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  • Worried about my brand new Sulcata. She is about 7inches long and we just got her from Ballands Tortiose Ranch. I think she has a respiratory infection already 😩 because I have seen little tiny nose bubbles and I sometimes hear her squeak. She is super active and eating but I’m still a new nervous mama! She lives outdoors and has an incredible set up. Should I raise her night time temp if I think she might be sick?
    Sorry to hear about this trouble. I would try to keep the tortoise at no less than 80 degrees at night and up to about 90-95 for the daytime. You may also need to get some injectable ceftazidime for the tortoise if the problem doesn't get better by increasing the temperatures.

    Bill Z
    Jess H
    Hi Milliesmama, I found when mine had a cold and runny nose, that putting Vick vapour rub under his chin helped clear it and help him breathe better. Trouble is, if they can't smell food, they tend to stop eating. Probably a good idea to take it to a specialist (if possible) vet, as a respiratory infection could get worse quite quickly?
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