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  • Hey bill, i know you lived in MA for some years. Would you happen to have some contacts for radiated breeders here? Thanks
    Hi Jack,

    Actually, I haven't lived in MA since 1967. After that I lived in CT until 2002.

    The only one in MA who might have any would be Alan Flynn. His phone is (781) 504-6702
    Work email: [email protected] Home email: [email protected]
    He may have retired and/or even moved out of state by now, but I don't think so.

    awesome thanks bill.
    Unfortunately, no luck bill
    Hi there. I know its late in the game but if you have any info on Egyptian tortoise breeders, I would really appreciate it. Thanks
    I sent you several names in a conversation this AM. Did you see it?.
    Yes, I did thank you!

    John didn't respond to either text or email so not sure if he's available.
    Could you share the Egyptian tortoise breeder info with me?
    Hi, I was wondering if you know of any breeders of radiated tortoise in utah or California, Washington state ? Thank you
    Reid Sneddon of SoCal Reptiles used to have Radiateds. He may be able to help you in CA.:

    None in UT. One in WA, Ross Popenoe who is gradually getting out of the game. His email: [email protected] Phone: 425-591-4773

    Which of the three states are you in and how do you plan to buy any Radiateds from the other two states?
    Hi Zovick, I want to seek advice about radiated tortoises diapause period and hatching some of the questions, convenient to consult
    I do not have time to write a narrative on hatching Radiated Tortoise eggs. If you have some specific questions, ask them and I will try to answer them.
    Hi Zovick,
    Do you know any breeders in California that sell radiated tortoises?
    Hope you have a nice day!
    Hi Zovick
    Do you know any breeder sell radiated tortoise in California?
    Thank you
    Check your personal conversations. I replied to you there.
    Jordan C
    Thank you
    Hi there! I was wondering if you know of any breeders of radiateds located in MA. Please feel free to pm me with info. Thank you!
    Hay I believe have an adult female travencore not a cross I was wondering if you knew any one who could take a look and give me there thought please send me a pm
    I know plenty about Travancores. I am the first person who ever had real true breeding adults in this country. My original pair produced lots of babies from 1980 to 1995. Where did the tortoise you have come from? That would give us a clue as to its true ID. Where do you live? Send me some pix of it and I'll give you my initial thoughts: [email protected]

    Bill Z
    pacific chelonians
    pacific chelonians
    Sent you an email
    Hi zovick, I have a sulcata that has recently undergone 2 surgical procedures regarding a jaw abscess. Would you kindly take a look at her medical file and x-rays? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
    The small Sulcata you just now thought the bump on it's head looked like an abscess...to me it just looks like a normal Sulcata head, the skin looks rugged and tough, not like an abscess...I think...lol I'm saying this here so I don't embarrass myself in public by saying this...hahaha
    Hi Bill. Our mutual friend John Coakley suggested I reach out to you just to talk tortoises. I've been working with Testudo Kleinmanni for about 15 yrs. Thanks, Ralph Till
    [email protected]
    hi Bill. I have a quick question for you about a new radiata purchase and think you may have an answer or point me to the right direction i am looking for. if you could please reach back out to me at [email protected], i appreciate your time. bart
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