Megatron's Mom
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  • Spent time in N. Little Rock on work years ago. Still have a girlfriend in Sherwood.

    Today's question for you. Have you ever had a really sensitive tortoise? She's a Russian I've had several weeks; probably 7 years old. The ad said field raised. She has been quiet and a good eater. I took her out for sunning this morning, put her in a 14 x 10@
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    Megatron's Mom
    Megatron's Mom
    I don't have a lot of experience only have had mine for 8 months now and they are sulcata and leopards so a bit different.

    So the little I know about russian tortoises is she is most likely wild caught and the fact that they told you field raised makes me thing that might be true.
    Megatron's Mom
    Megatron's Mom
    Now when I first took my little guys outside they hid too. Slowly explored and eat a bunch of weeds. When they did come back inside I would soak them then they went straight to sleep. I figured if was the fresh air and sunshine tired them out.
    Ok, makes sense. Maybe I was making it psychological when it wasn't. Thank you.
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