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  • Hi, can you tell me the composition of pellets that are good for sulcata😅??, and what are the characteristics of a sulcata affected by bladder stones? And do sulcatas have to excrete urate every day? Because my tortoise releases urates only 1-2x a week. Sometimes within a week it doesn't produce urates at all.
    Any of the pellet foods are okay for Sulcatas as long as they don't have fruit in them and are not a part of their daily diet. Two to three times a week is all the pellets should be fed. If you have an adult, orchard grass hay can be added daily. You can also add soaked hay pellets to young and adults
    Oh ok, the pellets im using has Strawberry and sweet potato in it, Is that ok? Or could u recommend me pellets for sulcata? Btw why i cannot put picture in here? i wanted to put a picture of the pellets ingredients that im using 😁

    But if i gave pellets mixed with bok choy everyday Is that ok? Or pellets must be given only 2-3 times a week?
    No fruit.
    2-3 times a week and must feed much more than pellets and bok choy
    Hi, I want to ask, is it safe to give Rept shine (shell moisturizer) to the torto shell so it doesn't dry out? Because the humidity in my cage is only 40-53 and I can't increase the humidity in my cage to 80 or above. And I don't want my sulcata pyramiding because the shell is too dry. Please answer
    It's easier than posting here I think. Click on forum. Find the category you need. Click on post thread. Then fill in title area, scroll down to be blank box and type your questions or whatever and then scroll further down and click post thread.
    I only use my phone too.
    You will get more help faster than I can always do. But I don't mind questions either.
    so can coco coir raise the humidity or??
    I already post A thread! Go ahead and check it!
    What are your thoughts on my RES tank? It is 40 Gallons, however she was stunted and was not given the necessary care when she was young so she is about the size of a 3yr old juvenile.RES Tank
    Myrna the RES
    Also, What are some good torts for a person who likes to play with his animals and interact with them.
    That's not the kind of animal they are.
    ClL is Craigslist and FB is Facebook Market Place. Both on the internet.
    Hello, I’m looking for a Russian tortoise Baby to add to our family. This will be our first family tortoise. My son is asking for one so I would like to purchase one as soon as possible. Do you have any available?
    Sorry, I do not. Most breeders of Russians hibernate their torts. Most likely they won't be up until March. Then laying probably around April/May and hatchling June/July.
    Winter is a hard time to try and get a hatchling of most species.
    Keep an eye out on our "for sale" section and also look on faunaclassifieds.com.
    Good luck
    Do you have any well started redfoots for sale?
    I do not have any RF. Check for sale section and post in the wanted section that you are looking for a RF
    Hi. Been on a Facebook site that said cypress mulch is very harmful because of its tannins and oils? I think it’s perfectly acceptable. What are your thoughts? Thank you
    I have a Russian tort
    I never used it. Don't remember if I have ever heard it being bad.
    Does Anyone know were can i purchase an adlabra or galapagos toroise?
    san diego tortoise zoo
    it matters where you are,you cant own a galapagos tortoise as a pet you can only own one if you have a zoo or a class 1 or 2 permitwhat hard to get, i got my adlabra form florida iguana and tortoise breeders
    Hello!! I created a new post about my VERY sick baby sully. You and Tom were so helpful on my last posts...I thought maybe you could take a look at this one and see what you think. I am so worried and I don't know what else to do. Any thoughts or suggestions are very much appreciated!!
    Do you do anything special to keep leopards. I am from St. Louis and looking at getting a leopard? Anything you can tell me helps.
    I have several, so I have a heated shed that they live in for winter. During the summer it's used for night time only. Leopards don't dig, so other then heat and uvb during colder months and a fenced area, there's nothing special that needs to be done.
    For a hatchling upto around 2-3 years old, house it in a closed chamber.
    could I see your shed for your sulcata tortoise. I need a little inspiration for mine.
    I don't have a sulcata, but I do have leopards which is the same care, they are just smaller. However, I have 4 that lives in the shed and a almost 2 year old that I am raising from hatching it in a 4x4 green house in my basement until next summer. I will try to find a picture.
    Hi, I was wondering if you use fine grade peat moss or the long stringy kind. Thanks
    I have not heard that. I have not had any problems with it, except my male leopards love going in and out of their water dish and filling the dish with the peat moss that sticks to them. Problem for me, but I think they are having fun doing it LOL
    Oh haha . Thanks for the help!
    Sorry one more thing Will seeds grow in peat moss alone? Sorry for so many questions!
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