Carol S
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  • I am still learning but I am interested in a yearling or young adult, male Russian tortoise. Any available or know of a good source for captive bred ones? Also, would a typical Russian tortoise be ok as a classroom pet with young but respectful kids? I would not want to stress any animal. I have an indoor habitat that is 3 x 5 feet and am eventually looking to make larger and outdoor ones.
    Hi Carol. I am new and looking into getting a Russian Tortoise. I have been looking and doing my research to make sure I have the appropriate set up for when I get one. I have heard that you breed them. I live in Pennsylvania is shipping possible here and what is the cost? I am not ready to get one yet but I am working on gathering information and learning all I can. When would you have some available?
    I set up an indoor habitat with my daughter in preparation for ordering her tortoise today. I am so glad, by the reviews of the company that I did not order from them. I found this forum and what I can see is that people recommend you as a breeder. We are interested in a baby Russian tortoise. Do you have any available or can you recommend a breeder? We are located in Florida. Thank you, Brandy
    Can I feed Buddy my turtle mixed frozen vegetables? ?
    Hello everyone! I'm new to this site and also new to getting a Russian Tortoise. He keeps trying to climb out of his enclosure. A couple of times he landed on his back, how do I stop him from doing this? Not sure of how to take care of him...but I think I'm doing a great job of learning how to do this.
    +everyday I soak a small amount of pellets and mix with fruit and vegetables..remember they dont have teeth..of course mine is a red toed..and of course lots of flowers and greens to munch on throughout the day.
    I hope this message finds you well Carol!

    I was sent here from the great things I heard about you while in search of a captive bred Russian tortoise!

    Could you please advise me on availability?

    [email protected]
    Hi carol I am looking for a Russian tortoise and your name came recommended from the forum. Do you have any available?
    Hi Carol,
    I talked to you before about the Russian tortoise. Do you happen to have Sulcata tortoise hatchling available? I have heard wonderful things about you and know you are a quality breeder. I would like to get my hatchling from you even if I have to wait.
    Hi Carol, I’m hoping that you have a Russian tortoise available. My family is ready for a new loving pet. Please let me know if you can ship.
    thank you,
    Hi Carol, I am hoping you have russian tortoises available. Our families has been researching tortoises and what type of care they need for awhile and are ready to bring a tortoise into our family. It seems like you are the breeder to contact! Or if you don't have any now or in the near future, is there someone you recommend? We are so glad to have stumbled upon this site. Thank you.
    Hi Carol, I'm looking for a Russian tortoise. I've been doing some research on face book and found your name as a reputable breeder for captive Russian tortoises. I'm wondering if you have any available at this time, or are expecting any in the coming months. If you do by chance how much are the plus shipping i would love 3 1 male 2 female if possible. Thank you very much!
    Hi Carol, I'm looking for a Russian tortoise. I've been doing some research on this site and found your name as a reputable breeder for captive Russian tortoises. I'm wondering if you have any available at this time, or are expecting any in the coming months. Thank you very much!
    Hi Carol,
    I've been doing some research and you seem to be the most credible source for getting a Russian Tortoise. Do you happen to have any available or are you expecting some soon? Thanks for your time and if you could get back to me and let me know your availability or inform me of some credible breeders that would be great!

    Thank you,
    Hi Carol,
    I was told that you are someone to check with about getting a Russian Tortoise. I can see that many are reaching out to you, so don't know if you have any right now or not. If you don't have any currently can you suggest another breeder.
    Thank you,
    Hi Carol,

    I have been interested in adopting a Russian tortoise for a while. I have done the research and have got many of their supplies. I read a lot of great things about you and would love to get in touch with you.

    Hi Carol,

    We are looking to add a female Russian Tortoise to our family. We have extensive experience with Chinese Box Turtles but think that a Russian Tortoise is the right fit for us. I have read stellar reviews about you and would love to chat.

    Thank you!
    Hello Carol,

    I am looking at raising a Russian tortoise but I am getting mix information online about their living habitat and where to buy them. Can I get a consultation from you regarding the living environment and the price to own one?

    Hi Carol,

    How are you? I hope all is well. I heard you breed Russian Tortoises and I'm potentially interested in one. Do you have any available? How old are they? How much do they cost?


    Hi Carol!

    I'm new to the world of tortoises and am interested in adopting a Russian tortoise as my first. I have seen so much praise for you on this forum, and I just wanted to reach out to see if you had any tortoises available or could point me in the right direction for getting started.

    Thank you so much!
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