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  1. T

    Over Wintering a sleepy Greek

    Hi there, I'm based in Cyprus and just yesterday came into possession of a couple of 2 year old greeks that were woken up after about a months hibernation. After doing a bit of research I've decided to over winter them. Kiwi, the larger, seemingly stronger and more boisterous of the two, is...
  2. T

    hello :)

    Its interesting that I have seen various sources say that generally tortoises hibernate at temperatures of about 5C. Right now its much warmer than that here and these tortoises are hibernating. It can get to 5C or a bit lower sometimes during the night, but on most days its an average of around...
  3. T

    hello :)

    They woke up a few times, firstly when I picked them up, then during transportation and once they got home. Now they are fast asleep again. It's almost mid-night here though (not sure if that matters). They didn't seem very bright, kinda disorientated with eyes half open. I'm not sure how I'll...
  4. T

    hello :)

    Hi Yvonne - my name is Tony. I dont have pics of my tortoises yet, but I can tell you they are a pair of 2 year old Greek Tortoises which just came into my possession today. I got them from a lady who has over 30 burrowed in her garden, now deep in hibernation. Regrettably I knew nothing about...
  5. T

    hello :)

    I've just joined the forum. I live in Cyprus and have always been a tortoise enthusiast. I just came into possession of a pair of small tortoises. I'm hoping this space will help me take care of animals. Hoping we can connect. :tort: