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  1. Codie Lynn

    Dented Belly

    here is another photo!
  2. Codie Lynn

    Dented Belly

    Okay thank you! That makes me feel much better.
  3. Codie Lynn

    Dented Belly

    Hi all! I have an Eastern Hermann tortoise who is almost 10 months old and I was giving him his bath and noticed the underside of his shell is dented on both sides in the middle, it’s freaking me out what does this mean? It’s still hard but a noticeable dent on each side that was not there a...
  4. Codie Lynn

    Soon to be tortoise owner:)

    Thanks Michael! I’m very excited, I messaged Carol and will look into the other person you mentioned.
  5. Codie Lynn

    Soon to be tortoise owner:)

    Hello all! After a few months I have happily found myself in the rabbit hole of everything tortoise! My name is Codie and I live in Montana. I have purchased everything I need, to have a happy tortoise, (with a lot of research and asking the experts on here). But now I am looking for breeders or...
  6. Codie Lynn

    Calcium with D3 or no D3?

    Hello! I am soon to be a first time tortoise owner, I am either getting a Dalmatian Hermann or a Russian. I live in Montana so my tortoise will be inside with the exception of our hot summer days here and there. I was going to buy the Rep Cal supplement with D3 from tortoise supply, is this the...