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  1. Jeffweystan

    Worried about my Russian Tortoise

    I went to give him a bath today and noticed that his back legs looked like this. His skin also looks slightly discolored and I’m really worried about him. Does anyone know what could be causing this? I plan to take him to the vet on Monday but I don’t know if this could be something more serious...
  2. Jeffweystan

    Do I need to take my tortoise to the vet?

    I have had this Russian tortoise for 5 months now. He has had these marks since I got him, but now I noticed one area had a small piece peeling, or coming up a little bit. I took Jeffwey to the vet when I first got him and they didn’t say anything about it. But I’m not sure if it is normal or...
  3. Jeffweystan

    Humidity and misting?

    I have a 60 gallon 48x18x16 tank. It has a mesh top and currently I have towels on it where the lights aren’t.
  4. Jeffweystan

    Humidity and misting?

    It is a 60 gallon tank with dimensions 48x18x16. Thank you for the tips, I will try that. For now he is still small and young but I will eventually get a bigger enclosure.
  5. Jeffweystan

    Leo and Jeffwey

    I feed him on a plate sorta thing now, that was just when I first got him cause he wasn’t eating from the plate.
  6. Jeffweystan

    Humidity and misting?

    Hi, I have had my Russian tortoise for almost two months. I try to keep the tank humidity around 40-50% but It keeps dropping lower. If I don’t most the tank twice a day it will drop to 20-30%. I have two water bowls at different ends of my tank and I dont know what else to do to keep the...
  7. Jeffweystan

    Leo and Jeffwey

    Hi! My name is Leo and I have a 3 year old Russian Tortoise named Jeffwey. I have had Jeffwey for almost two months. I have been obsessed with turtles for a while and finally got one. Jeffwey is really friendly and loves being pet. He is a bit of a picky eater, mainly eating collard greens and...