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  1. S

    3 Year old Sulcata Needs new home

    I live in Northern California and I am so sad to say that I can no longer keep my amazing sulcata. He is 3 years old and I love him with all my heart. Unfortunately I was not able to take care of him the way I should have and I feel awful about it. He is very loving and wonderful and eats very...
  2. S

    Please help. Questions about winter.

    He has been inside the last week and I think he's upset about it. He actually got to go outside today and he's much more active. I'm in Northern California. And he has 2 heat lamps in his inside habitat
  3. S

    Please help. Questions about winter.

    My sulcata Koopa is about 2 years old. We just started getting cold winter weather with lots of rain. He hasn't been able to go play in the sun for about a week now and the whole time he has been very very lazy and lethargic. He is barley eating anything and only comes out of his hide a tiny...
  4. S

    Please Help!! (runny nose)

    We made a little lid to cover his mesh top cage and we have been keeping both his night and day lights on so that he has a warmer area. He slept a lot today but tomorrow I'm gonna wake him up and put him out in the sun. Thank you for all your suggestions. I'm such a worried momma I just want him...
  5. S

    Please Help!! (runny nose)

    Thank you for all your responses!! He actually doesn't have a runny nose, its weird because I did not write that part I believe the forum edited it. He has a really wheezing sounding nose, like stuffy. Its very squeaky and it kind of makes a popping noise like when we have stuffy noses and try...
  6. S

    Please Help!! (runny nose)

    Hey forum. So my sulcata Koopa is about a year old now. He is my little baby and I worry about him like a mother! In February he caught a little bit of the sniffles and I freaked out, took him in to the vet and they gave him shots. My boyfriend, Mario, and I did the shots for him and he got alot...
  7. S

    What cool/cute/amazing thing does YOUR tortoise do!?

    My year old sulcata Koopa climbs his house and slides down the other side. We got him a bigger house so now he climbs to the top and then turns around and slides back down. He has fallen a few times and scares me to death but he's pretty graceful most of the time. :)
  8. S

    URI again?

    His warm side is typically like 85 to 90 and his cool side stays around 80. His basking spot stays about 100 and I have his night light right above his sleep spot so I try to keep him pretty warm at night. His new home is a little higher then his old so I'm planning on buying him some warmer...
  9. S

    URI again?

    Hey my name is Sara and I'm new to posting on the forum although I read it all the time. My boyfriend Mario and I have a baby sulcata who is about a year old now named Koopa. We have had him for about 10 months. He is our first baby and is spoiled as all heck. He got a cold or a URI a few months...
  10. S

    Hey from Cali

    Hi I am Sara. a first time tortoise owner from the Bay area in Cali. I have a 5 month sulcata named Koopa who is the love of my life. I have had him about a month now and finally decided to join because of all the questions I have about my little Koopa. He has a ton of personality and has been...