URI again?

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Aug 28, 2012
Hey my name is Sara and I'm new to posting on the forum although I read it all the time. My boyfriend Mario and I have a baby sulcata who is about a year old now named Koopa. We have had him for about 10 months. He is our first baby and is spoiled as all heck. He got a cold or a URI a few months back and being a protective mom I immediately took him to the vet. They gave me some antibiotic shots (That I made my boyfriend give him). This morning he woke up wheezing again and again I freaked out. I called his vet and they said if the symptoms are the same as before they would just give us a new set of antibiotics. My boyfriend is super skeptical on the whole medicine thing.

I guess my big question is how dangerous are URIs or colds? And are the antibiotics necessary or will raising his temps and recleaning his cage enough to get him better? Also is there something we could be doing to cause Koopa to get sick?


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Sometimes a little warmer environment can help clear it up if it has just started. Also if you have warm temps outside, get him out. Letting your enclosure get too cold and humid will cause this. Read Toms threads below in my post. Get your temps and humidity to his and you shouldn't have problems. Do this after he has recovered. For now keep his temps at 85 day and night with a basking of 95+.
Also, once they have a uri, they are prone to them.


The Dog Trainer
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URIs are usually caused by night temps being too low. What are your four temperatures? Warm side, cool side, basking and night?

This species comes from a very warm part of the world. When they are small, I never let them get below 80 degrees anywhere in the enclosure, day or night. If they are sick, like yours, I'd go to 85 as an ambient, but still with a 100 degree basking spot for 12 hours a day.

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5 Year Member
Aug 28, 2012
Tom said:
URIs are usually caused by night temps being too low. What are your four temperatures? Warm side, cool side, basking and night?

This species comes from a very warm part of the world. When they are small, I never let them get below 80 degrees anywhere in the enclosure, day or night. If they are sick, like yours, I'd go to 85 as an ambient, but still with a 100 degree basking spot for 12 hours a day.

Click the links in my signature. They will help you.

His warm side is typically like 85 to 90 and his cool side stays around 80. His basking spot stays about 100 and I have his night light right above his sleep spot so I try to keep him pretty warm at night. His new home is a little higher then his old so I'm planning on buying him some warmer lights to make up for them sitting higher. How do you feel about the antibiotic shots??
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