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  1. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    Ahh yeah that would make sense wouldn’t it. I thought 1g a week was the ideal gain, is not that right?
  2. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    I forgot to reply to thank you both for your help with my last question! His nails look just like the pictures so I guess they’re as they should be 😊 He loses one every now and then, not sure why, maybe from trying to climb everything? 😅 He always his nails in the runners for the sliding doors...
  3. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    Also, how long should their claws be? I’m worried his aren’t wearing down despite having terracotta saucers, slate and lots of pebbles
  4. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    Or this would be even better if it’s suitable, can get a lot more for the same money
  5. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    Hi all! Would this organic compost be ok to grow seeds in? I think it meets all the safety requirements but I wanted to check!
  6. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    No that makes sense and was as I thought but wanted to check, thank you. His wheel has a cork covering so I guess it’s best to take that out during the process. Poor little thing won’t know what to do with himself 🥲
  7. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    Thank you. I assume that humidity levels go out the window during this process? As I can’t imagine paper will hold it well 😥 Can he still have all of his accessories ie stones, slate, his wheel, plants etc?
  8. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    That’s very true. Should I switch the substrate for newspaper immediately? And when will I know it’s ok to switch back?
  9. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    He really does! He’s not impressed when it has to be removed to de-mould and dry in the sun (still finding that every wood item in the viv keeps gathering mould, so I must be doing something wrong!) The worms are also back with a vengeance 😔 We could no longer see them in his poop so hoped a...
  10. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    Oh wow 🙈😂
  11. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    How much poop is too much? We soak him every morning and he'll always poop, but he also makes sure he has a big one on his treasured wheel every day! haha. Sometimes he'll have a poo as long as his shell! Is that normal?
  12. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    Thank you as always! The 35 watt would probably be perfect but it's out of stock atm. I'll try to find it elsewhere, if not I'll try the alternative 60w :)
  13. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    Thank you! I have a 50W and I’m worried it’s just a little too hot. Minty is using his noggin and basks around the edges of the heat spot (keep checking his shell temperature and it’s all good) but I do worry about ‘sun burn’! Also feel like a big part of his enclosure is being wasted because of...
  14. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    I remember why I didn’t buy it now. The reviews were really poor, lots of fails/flickering mentioned so I tried to find an alternative but couldn’t, then got distracted and the rest is history until it crops up in my head again 🙈😂
  15. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    Oh yes, you did tell me that already. Sorry, I try my best to take it all in but struggle to remember details. I wish I was more ‘tech capable’ so that I could create my own little tortoise database on my laptop! Weight/size tracker, food/supplement lists and reminders, tech, accessories etc...
  16. Kala

    Setting up for a Russian Tortoise - Constructive comments welcome

    So sorry for your loss David. What a wonderful choice of companion to help focus your energy whilst you grieve your lovely wife ❤️ I think you sound like an incredible tortoise owner already. Good luck in your journey! 😊
  17. Kala

    Setting up for a Russian Tortoise - Constructive comments welcome

    This is incredible, tortoise home goals! I want to plan building something like this for when our hatchling is bigger. Is there any way you could possibly share a step by step how to? 😃 I wanted to check, does it not need a wire cover to protect from predators? I live next to a creek, which...
  18. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    Thanks for confirming. I still can’t find any suitable 40w bulbs 🙁
  19. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    Or these?
  20. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    These bulbs have just popped up on Amazon. Am I right in thinking they’re good?