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  1. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    No heat pad, it's a toasty little haven without that. Thank you, I feel better about him being ok then :) His wheel arrived this evening (same one as you have), hoping he'll have many hours of fun on it!
  2. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    It's pretty close to the edge but maybe I'll direct the bulb slightly away from that corner just in case. Will he not instinctively know it's not safe to sleep there and move?
  3. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    The temperature is perfect so if it’s ok for the humidity to be high, I won’t worry 😊 He hardly ever goes to the cold side though, although he buries himself head first in to the substrate under the basking lamp. Maybe he has some warming up to do after months in an insufficient enclosure?
  4. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    I’m like an anxious first time Mum again, watching his every move, looking for any worrying signs! 😅
  5. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    Humidity is still around 88-90%. Is that ok? Or do I need to create more air flow? He seems very happy, pretty active between basking, exploring more, eating well etc.
  6. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    Ah great, hard water is very high in minerals so he should do well on that 😊
  7. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    Aww he looks so well! 🥰
  8. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    Aww that makes sense, we are in a very hard water area. I did think he had some pyramiding which I expected as he was kept on sawdust type substrate with no humidity at all 😢 I’ll get some coconut oil, thank you!
  9. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    Are these white patches on his shell anything to worry about?
  10. Kala

    Humidifier / Open top enclosure / Sulcata

    😂 Hope you’re feeling better! I went with a vivarium in the end 😊
  11. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    I think that’s what he’s doing with his substrate too, no digging, just collecting it all in to a pile in the corner 😂
  12. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    Have done that in case it helps, thank you. He seems to be ‘coming out of his shell’ (pun intended) and is exploring a lot more now. He’s had some thistle, a lot of cuttlefish (probably completely calcium deficient, poor little guy) and emptied his saucer of water!
  13. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    I put him in the hide and he ran straight back to his basking spot corner 😂 His shell temperature is 37, is that ok?
  14. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    Yeah I called the pet shop immediately who asked me to collect a sample next time he poos (worms are visible and plentiful so no need for testing…) and they will provide a worming treatment. They offered a refund but we don’t want to send him back, just want to help him get better! I did hand...
  15. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    It’s been an entirely rough journey so far 🙈 Meet Minty… 🐢
  16. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    The local pet shop who had sold out had a new baby come in so we went there and brought our little one! Within 30 minutes of being home, it’s pooped a large undigested bit of cucumber and a ton of pinworms 😫
  17. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    I slipped up and told them we already had everything set up with coco coir, so now I’m desperately trying to find photos of a table with coco coir without a tortoise already in it… they also have to see photos of each lamp, thermostats, everything. That would be great if they were doing it the...
  18. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    Another, and potentially catastrophic obstacle… none of the pet shops will accept the use of a vivarium 😭 We have to supply photos of EVERYTHING. Do I search the depths of Google and fake our enclosure? 😥
  19. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    I think we’re ready! 😃 I realised the slate tile we had underneath the lamp would be increasing the temperature, removed it and it’s now a perfect 35-37 degrees! Humidity is at 90% though, is that too high? Cool end is 25-27 degrees, humidity 76%
  20. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    Oh fantastic! I’ll get a dimmer switch then thank you :)