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  1. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    I found this whilst looking for a thermostat. Is it worth it or unnecessary?
  2. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    Thank you :) We would never commit to a pet before we made sure we had everything just right for them. I’m going to go with the vivarium from Swell Reptiles and then extend or upgrade when they grow a little bigger. Almost finalised my list of items to order to then get the viv all set up and...
  3. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    Great news, thank you! I’d read that it needed to be changed completely every 2-3 weeks so was starting to panic a little 😅
  4. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    I really struggle with ‘hands on’ things that others find easy as I’m dyspraxic, so my hand eye coordination is terrible and I find instructions very difficult to follow. I have to spend more money than most people on so many things to keep them as simple as possible for me. I also can’t tell...
  5. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    Thank you, I did look at them but they’re much smaller than everybody is saying the enclosure needs to be. How did you add an extension on? Their orchid bark is much cheaper than Amazon, thank you! Will get that from them when we move on from coco coir
  6. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    Or this one But I can’t see how I can hang the bulbs as they all have solid wooden lids
  7. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    Thank you so much. Do you mean a vivarium like this? They all seem so much smaller than the tortoise tables!
  8. Kala

    Humidifier / Open top enclosure / Sulcata

    Hi, can I ask where you bought this greenhouse cover and if you could possibly post the link please? I’m about to buy the same enclosure as you have and the greenhouse covers I’ve found are either too small or have multiple zipped compartments rather than just the one big one like yours.
  9. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    I can’t find the indoor greenhouses you shared earlier, only the greenhouse cover like this person used, so I could add that to the original enclosure (which happens to be the same as this person’s and it looks as though it worked perfectly)
  10. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    Aww brilliant thank you. So I can still get the enclosure I was going to get, but add a greenhouse cover like this person has. That will be easier for us than a huge raised planter, I’ll do that then.
  11. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    Where did you attach the UVB light?
  12. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    Do you think the greenhouse/planter ive posted above would work then? It looks like it’s basically what you’ve created here
  13. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    The UK has a whole different level of humidity because we’re surrounded by water. When we have a heatwave (35+ degrees Celsius), the humidity levels reach 80-90%. Right now it’s 8 degrees celcius outside and my daughter’s bedroom is 20.3 degrees with 55% humidity.
  14. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    I think I’ll get coco coir then as 75L of that is £16, as opposed to £25 for 26L of reptibark. £100 every couple of weeks is a lot just for the substrate. Would this raised planter with greenhouse cover be ok? It’s a lot smaller than the enclosure (3.7 x 2ft) but still big enough for a...
  15. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    What is the correct humidity for a hatchling Russian please? I live in a very humid area and am usually trying to decrease the humidity so believe it will probably be perfect for a tortoise. My house is heated by thermostat 24/7, and my daughter’s room (where the tortoise will be) is the warmest...
  16. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    Sorry I should have said, we need an indoor enclosure. Why does it need to be a closed chamber enclosure? For humidity purposes? Have the Arcadia bulbs at the ready, but not sure which lamp is best for the basking bulb.
  17. Kala

    Newbie Set Up

    As recommended, I’m starting a new thread with the items I’ve been looking at for our set up. Would very much appreciate your approval before going ahead with anything, we want to get everything just right! This is the enclosure I’ve been looking at for our hatchling. It measures 3.15ft by...
  18. Kala

    The Best Way To Raise Any Temperate Species Of Tortoise

    Fab thank you. That’s exactly what I need, somebody to say ‘this one’ as I struggle with choice and can spends weeks researching just one thing. I trust your expertise so will go with whatever you recommend!
  19. Kala


    Thank you, I will be asking A LOT of questions 😁 We’re very excited to welcome the new member of the family!
  20. Kala

    The Best Way To Raise Any Temperate Species Of Tortoise

    Ah yes, they’re the ones I found. Great thank you. On the subject of bulbs, I read in your post about how UVB lamps aren’t always necessary. I live in South East England, and whilst it’ll be sunny and warm come spring/summer, it’s currently only around 10 degrees Celsius with lots of rain so I...