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  1. D

    Red foot tortoise humidity m

    Also Im thinking 8 feet might be to big is there anyway a 6x3 would work? you also mentioned not sure if the lighting will be hanging high enough?
  2. D

    Red foot tortoise humidity m

    found the screenshotted one ! so i would need this along with pond liner, then would i hang the lights ON the poles that keep the greenhouse standing? Or what is recommended for that?
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    Red foot tortoise humidity m

    to be honest id like to just get a more long term or permanent enclosure setup until i can have him outside. even if that means trashing the old one. I want whats gonna be best long term for my tortoise and myself that way im not stressing a new enclosure every other year.
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    Red foot tortoise humidity m
  5. D

    Red foot tortoise humidity m

    Heres what i found that i think will work , thoughts? 35.43 x 70.87 x 35.83 inches
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    Red foot tortoise humidity m

    100% not gonna follow them, I’m an animal lover my self I don’t want to hurt these guys. I’m open to all information you guys are giving me but you have to understand after spending tons of money and time and being mislead by others im not quick to jump the gun on it happening again. Just want...
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    Red foot tortoise humidity m

    Understood, was wondering if there is discords because talking is easier then typing though...But all these "famous reptile owners" kamp kenan etc are completely full of **** then? Not doubting your guys smarts you both seem very knowledgable and i really do appreciate you taking your own time...
  8. D

    Red foot tortoise humidity m

    Is there any discord server or anything of the sort i could join and chat with you or anybody that could help me i have a lot of questions and im hesitant to go and buy a bunch of more stuff before i know exactly what will work for my tortoise. Pretty frustrating to hear i have spent all this...
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    Red foot tortoise humidity m

    Also I have a spray bottle and do use it to keep humidity levels but it only works for so long, and sometimes I can’t be here to constantly spray it.
  10. D

    Red foot tortoise humidity m

    I just recently got a baby red-foot tortoise last week, I’ve been doing thorough research on them but everywhere I go seems to lead me to different answers. I have plenty of spaghnum moss in here for him I keep it wet as well as the substrate, but I’m reading some places that you don’t want the...