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  1. Mrs_Gal1981

    Not enough sunlight?

    Hello, it's been 6 days since we brought our cherry head home, and he's living in an outdoor enclosure with beautiful and humid South Texas weather. He has a little house and a couple of hides in the large enclosure. I know there is an adjustment period, and as it's expected for a tortoise this...
  2. Mrs_Gal1981

    Whistling while breathing

    I know this is a very old thread but, any new developments on this? We just got our young red foot 5 days ago, and I just love sitting out there and watching him chill, or eat. I started to notice this sound a couple of days ago and thought it was faraway birds, but I started paying attention...
  3. Mrs_Gal1981

    Help creating a Diet menu for Cherry Head

    Awesome!!! I will check them out! Thank you so much!
  4. Mrs_Gal1981

    Help creating a Diet menu for Cherry Head

    He tried it today and he seemed to really like it! I just wanna make sure it is the right one, nutritionally speaking.
  5. Mrs_Gal1981

    Help creating a Diet menu for Cherry Head

    I meant to specify the Mazuri food I got, after reading reviews, was the LS diet. The website doesn’t specify for red footed tortoises, even though there’s a cherry head pictured on the bag, they only mention yellow footed. But a lot of the reviews were from people who use it for ted foots. I...
  6. Mrs_Gal1981

    Help creating a Diet menu for Cherry Head

    Hello, so it's been 5 days since we brought our cherry head red foot home and I need help creating a loose diet menu for him. He is about 5" long, we think (not sure when he hatched) that he is 2ish years old. We have him in an outdoor enclosure in warm and humid -atm- South Texas. I printed a...
  7. Mrs_Gal1981

    Asymmetrical scutes.

    Thank you for taking the time to explain! I really do not mind this, as long as it doesn’t bother him. So, this won’t affect his comfort nor his walking correct? It’s merely an optical matter of looking more lopsided?
  8. Mrs_Gal1981

    Asymmetrical scutes.

    I noticed my cherry head has not just one but 2 extra scutes on the left side compared to the right. Is this normal? Is this something that gets even with age? I read this is purely an esthetic thing and doesn’t affect their health but couldn’t find more info; I’m fairly new at this so I was...
  9. Mrs_Gal1981


    Hi! I've been a lurker here but this is obviously my first post. This forum has helped me a lot in the searching for the perfect tortoise for my family and its care. We brought Lorenzo home 2 days ago on Sunday. My family and I had been talking about adding a tortoise to the family for about 4...