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  1. Sheldon’s Mama

    Sheldon - shell help please

    Thunder found Sheldon right before hurricane Ian. (I’m Sept or Oct - i forget those dates) He saw it and ran over, barking. The only time he ever touched him was when he got there. He used his paw and flipped Sheldon over onto his back. He got in trouble and has never even had the opportunity to...
  2. Sheldon’s Mama

    Sheldon - shell help please

    I do have camera I’m not using right now that goes to my phone. I will set it up today so I can watch his enclosure overnite. Thank you for the idea!
  3. Sheldon’s Mama

    Sheldon - shell help please

    Hi Tom, There isn’t anything that could chew on him tho. He is in the garage by himself at nite. And he sleeps in that cave thing or under the cardboard box. He very seldom sleeps out in the open. My house get exterminated once a quarter, so i don’t imagine there would be any rodents in my...
  4. Sheldon’s Mama

    Sheldon - shell help please

    His substrate is dry. Except sometimes when i move the pool his water dish splashes over, but it’s not enough water to matter. He does sometimes urinate under the cardboard box or the cave thing while he is asleep (i guess) so he might be laying on that til the next day, but definitely not for...
  5. Sheldon’s Mama

    Sheldon - shell help please

    Hi Frens…we need your insight and assistance again. I am seriously concerned for Sheldon’s shell health. It seems like pieces of his shell are disintegrating, peeling, and cracking off and he has a lot of what look like holes in his shell and possibly bone exposed?? And under his chin to his...
  6. Sheldon’s Mama

    Drop One, Add One

    (Autobots) ROLL OUT!
  7. Sheldon’s Mama

    Drop One, Add One

    Was a pretty easy concept to follow…only way to screw it up is on purpose 🙁 first post was in June 2019. <insert game show you lose tune>
  8. Sheldon’s Mama

    Help - any ideas how to rust-proof

    So the flex seal chemicals wouldn’t harm the soil, etc? And it would be safe to grow on top of it?
  9. Sheldon’s Mama

    Help - any ideas how to rust-proof

    Hi. So i bought two of these to be raised garden beds. They are actually steel containers split in half and legs soldered on to the bottom. I thought they were really cool and i would put rocks in them and then soil, and then two things of st Augustine grass/sod, and then plant seeds from that...
  10. Sheldon’s Mama

    Drop One, Add One

    Leaf blower
  11. Sheldon’s Mama

    Need support Re a Reddit convo

    I don’t really know, i didn’t want to get involved. All i said was there is bad advice here. And commented to come to this forum if she really wanted to learn/understand. I also commented to the persons giving the bad advice and of course they backtracked with “what i should have said is…” and...
  12. Sheldon’s Mama

    Need support Re a Reddit convo

    Hi friends. I am (unfortunately) linked to a Reddit page Re tortoise care. A girl posted a question Re her tortoise and all these people jumped in with advice. I won’t go into too much detail, but I’m mad because they are telling her to feed her tortoise spinach. They also said it was okay to...
  13. Sheldon’s Mama

    Tom's Brumation Thread

    Hi Tom You post mentions that you set the temperature down to 60-something in the enclosure. How do you do that? How would you control the temp? Is there an a/c? (Most of the time i get tripped up by the basics. The part that’s usually an assumed understanding.) I’m trying to watch Sheldon to...
  14. Sheldon’s Mama

    Sheldon (from E.Orlando) Update

    That’s a great idea about the chicken wire! Thanks!!
  15. Sheldon’s Mama

    Sheldon (from E.Orlando) Update

    Well, he will still spend the day in the baby pool and only sleep in the “enclosure” at nite. And the blue pool will also have the orchid bark, so he will still have room to move around. Then, hopefully I’m going to figure out a way to get him a much larger permanent enclosure. I’m thinking...
  16. Sheldon’s Mama

    Sheldon (from E.Orlando) Update

    Hi Frens! I finally got Sheldon’s enclosure set up, but as soon as I put the water dish and the log thingy in there I understood why you guys said the enclosure would be too small. I am using the orchid bark as advised. When I put him in there and he happily walked into the dark part of the...
  17. Sheldon’s Mama

    Is this tortoise actually ill?

    I’m sorry to laugh…obvi I’m also concerned for your boy…but “adult toys” made me giggle. I hope he passes the stones soon! 🐢
  18. Sheldon’s Mama

    Shell rot - what can i do til my appt next Friday

    Whatever keeps them busy! 😂
  19. Sheldon’s Mama

    Shell rot - what can i do til my appt next Friday

    Good news! I just ordered the broadleaf seeds from, so soon I’ll be growing appropriate Sheldon- foods! 🙂
  20. Sheldon’s Mama

    Shell rot - what can i do til my appt next Friday

    I learned the hard way that cucumbers were NOT an everyday food 😳 i made my boy soo sick, OMG! I’m my head i was soooo afraid he would get dehydrated i was giving g him 1-2 cycle slices a day. He gobbled them up, but omg, poor guy had tortoise diarrhea for a full day. All i did was clean up his...