Need support Re a Reddit convo

Oct 28, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
Wedgefield, FL
Hi friends.

I am (unfortunately) linked to a Reddit page Re tortoise care. A girl posted a question Re her tortoise and all these people jumped in with advice. I won’t go into too much detail, but I’m mad because they are telling her to feed her tortoise spinach. They also said it was okay to feed it cauliflower and broccoli, along with tomatoes and strawberries.

I was under the impression that all of those were not considered healthy foods for a tortoise. I know, Tom’s post Re do’s and dont’s, but am I crazy? Aren’t all of those considered “unhealthy choices” for a Russian tortoise?

I literally just looked up if a Russian could have cauliflower cos i happened to have some and everything i read specifically said NO!

Please advise. Thank you!

PS. Sheldon is going is great! He actually doesn’t mind being held and he LIKES having his head pet! (I just found that out yesterday 😂)


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Well-Known Member
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Apr 19, 2022
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Unless you can get her to come here for safe advice, you may just be spitting in the wind. But this is where you'd want her to start. When you say "girl" do you mean literally a girl (like a young person)?



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You are better off ignoring what those people on those other forums and FB say. 99% of what they say is wrong. Just stick to what you learn in this forum. Give out the info from this forum and try to get them, the other forum members to come here and get the correct info.


The Dog Trainer
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...they are telling her to feed her tortoise spinach. They also said it was okay to feed it cauliflower and broccoli, along with tomatoes and strawberries.
None of those foods are toxic. Spinach is good for them in moderation. Once in a while as part of a mix is just fine. All day every day would not be good. Same with broccoli, cauliflower, and tomatoe. A small amount mixed in with other food, once a week isn't bad. Strawberries and other sugary fruits would be bad as it will upset the git flora and fauna.
Oct 28, 2022
Location (City and/or State)
Wedgefield, FL
Unless you can get her to come here for safe advice, you may just be spitting in the wind. But this is where you'd want her to start. When you say "girl" do you mean literally a girl (like a young person)?

I don’t really know, i didn’t want to get involved. All i said was there is bad advice here. And commented to come to this forum if she really wanted to learn/understand.

I also commented to the persons giving the bad advice and of course they backtracked with “what i should have said is…” and all I’m thinking is. “Oh great. That will save her tortoise’s life in a few months when it’s finally really sick.”

Honestly, i should just figure out how to get that Reddit link to stop sending me digests. All reading it does is make me angry. 😠

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