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  1. Brewster320

    First Time Enclosure Build

    I like that idea for the hutch! I will probably work on that tomorrow if I get the chance. Yes it is lol! I was using it to bang out a couple of the shelves. Making it bigger is definitely one of my priorities. I just want to make sure I can get this done before there's only like a few weeks...
  2. Brewster320

    First Time Enclosure Build

    This is my first time building an outdoors tortoise enclosure so I thought I'd do a journal showing my progress and hopefully some of you more experienced tortoise keepers can give me feed back as I go on what I'm doing right and what I'm doing wrong. The tortoise this is for is my adult female...
  3. Brewster320

    New England Weeds

    Thanks for the replies! I'll keep and eye on these plants anyways and see if they develop any "ouchy pointy seeds" lol
  4. Brewster320

    Which of my houseplants are safely edible?

    Pothos I've heard is mildly toxic however, even though I'm new to torts I have more experience with aquatic turtles and many people use pothos as a "filter plant" growing it in either out the filter or directing out of the aquarium as the plant can grow very well aquaponicly and sucks load of...
  5. Brewster320

    New England Weeds

    My Russian likes to munch on both of these plants along with others that I know are safe in the yard. However these two I dont know about. Any ideas as to whether they are good or I should try to no let her eat these?
  6. Brewster320

    My new biological filter

    Very nice snapper! How big is she? Mine isn't that large yet but I've been wanting to put him in a pond in the near future. Have you ever had problems with her claws tearing through the pond liner?
  7. Brewster320

    Future Russian Enclosure

    Thank you. Sorry I haven't introduced myself more thoroughly. My name is Nick and I'm a college student still living at home. I'm from Massachusetts, USA so the plants Im putting in my torts outdoor setup would preferably be cold hardy. Right now she's eating romaine and red leaf lettuce, kale...
  8. Brewster320

    Future Russian Enclosure

    Thanks for the info. That was really helpful. Right now I'm justing trying to figure out what part of my yard gets the most light throughout the day. There's one area that gets sun all day but it's on the side yard in clear view of the street and I don't want to put an enclosure there because...
  9. Brewster320

    Future Russian Enclosure

    Hey im new here and new to tortoises in general. I've recently recieved an adult female Russian tortoise that was abandoned by my mother's friend's neighbors who had moved out that morning leaving it behind. I also keep snakes, a musk turtle, and a common snapper so I was able to piece together...