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  1. M

    Frustrating Food Eater

    First, I bought this: Then, I learned about different UVB spectrums and got this they're both going right now but i want to replace that with a single tube type...
  2. M

    Frustrating Food Eater

    eek! I was hoping to NOT hear that but I'll get them separated tomorrow. They get Calcium every couple days and they also have a cuttlebone that has some beak marks from being chewed on, but I've never seen them touch it. I have two UVB lights, both are LED and I have one of each for the...
  3. M

    Frustrating Food Eater

    Hello! I've got two baby sulcatas - about a year old. They live in a large, covered tortoise table with appropriate lights, temps and plenty of access to food. One of the torts, Morla, is a full on beast. He/she eats great, is growing steady and regulates temps by utilizing different parts of...