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  1. Charleey's Mummy

    bit of a silly question

    Ive been told shes 2 years old, shes about 4 inches, she doesnt eat alot really but not sure how much is normal. When previous owner gave her carrot she would rush over and eat it as quick as she could, but since ive weaned her off it she eats more slowly, some days just little amount, other...
  2. Charleey's Mummy

    bit of a silly question

    I soak her every other day for around 20mins and have never seen her poop in the water. When i first got her the previous owner was feedin her carrot and her poop was bright orange, i have weaned her off carrot onto weeds so im wondering if im just not noticing it now its not bright orange.
  3. Charleey's Mummy

    bit of a silly question

    I know it might sound silly, but ive only actually seen my tortoise have a poo one since i got her 3 weeks ago. I know she might bury it in her enclosure so i might not be seeing it, but how often do tortoises poo? is it every day or less often??