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  1. P

    tortoise food

    I've been told that some species can be hard to raised to adulthood and breed without Mazuri. IF you look at Mazuri, it has had a long, good track record for more than 30 years. It was design to help the Golopagos tortoise get a head start in life in captivity. The diet in captivity can be...
  2. P

    New Russian Enclosure

    I like it! It looks really good.
  3. P

    Diet advice

    Adding Mauzri to diet helps round and boost the overall nutritional value of the captive diet. In captivity it is hard to do variety and give them everything they need; that's why it's great to include them as part of the diet.
  4. P

    Russian Tortoise diet questions

    Adding Mauzri to diet helps round and boost the overall nutritional value of the captive diet. In captivity it is hard to do variety and give them everything they need; that's why it's great to include them as part of the diet.
  5. P

    Tortoise Food Confusion

    yes, those are fruits, but they have nutritional value a lot like veggies. That is why they are listed in the list with veggies. :-)
  6. P

    Russian Tortoise diet questions

    They do have a good list of food at russiantortoise forum...
  7. P

    Diet advice

    you can pasture grass seeds at the feed store, too. Just throw it out in the backyard and they'll grow like weeds. They will reseed themselves every spring and if it looks a little thin just spread more seeds on the lawn...
  8. P

    Diet advice

    Here is a good link for ya: Just browsed through the diet section and it said hay (timothy hay) is great for this species.
  9. P

    Diet advice

    Collard green is the best green you can buy over there if I'm not mistaken. I'm not sure what they called them in the UK...I think it's spring green. Do you guys get Mazuri over there. To me I think it's really good for rounding out the diet and boost the overall nutrition of the diet you...
  10. P

    Tortoise rep-cal

    That's OK. Some people have raised tortoises to adulthood without using any commercial food. Some people use Mazuri to help round out the diet and boost the overall nutrition of the captive diet. I know some people only give it to their tortoise only twice a week and I know a long time...
  11. P

    Hello! I just joined!

    Hello! I just joined TorotiseForum. I've heard about for a long time but didn't join until now... Some of you may know me from Turtleforum. I hope my stay here is a good one and hope to share my knowledge with the people here. Thank youi!
  12. P

    Is this a Russian Tortoise ?

    thank you! I've been meaning to join for a long time.
  13. P

    Greek and Box Turtle Outdoor Enclosures (pic heavy)

    As I've said before in the other forum, great looking tortoises and box turtles, and your enclosure for sure first class for the them. I'm also just like you... I like them because they are long lived. They're great. My tortoise seems to be attracting a lot of attention from the neighbors...
  14. P

    Tortoise rep-cal

    Personally, I've never used it. I supposed you could mix it with the salad every now and then... The only food I trust is Mazuri tortoise chow. They've had a good track record for over 30 years with the Galopagos tortoises and other tortoises seem to do better it.
  15. P

    Is this a Russian Tortoise ?

    I think you have a mediteranean spurred tortoise, Testudo graeca ibera. And picture you took looks like a male you are holding.
  16. P

    Russian Tortoise diet questions

    Moderation is the key. I would never feed broccoli and kale alone; I usually mix it with some other staple greens. Broccoli and kale contain goitrogen which hinders the thyroid gland from absorbing iodine... If fed to much and too often, it could lead to iodine deficiency, a condition known...
  17. P

    Tortoise Grazing

    There are pasture grass seeds that you can buy at the feed store... Just spread them on the ground and they'll grow like weed. they will reseed themselves every spring, but if it looks a little thin you can just throw out some more seeds on the ground.