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    Baby Hermanns Growing Fast!

    Thanks everyone. These little guys are amazing tortoises. They have very outgoing personalities and will climb right up on my hand when I reach into their tank. I think they are always looking for food. They've dug in for the night, but I will measure them tomorrow. They were born mid July -...
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    Baby Hermanns Growing Fast!

    When I was deciding on getting some tortoises, I chose Hermanns because I read that they have great personalities and also because they don't grow too big. What I never expected was how fast they would grow! I've been keeping track of their weight weekly and here are their weights so far (in...
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    Growth (is my star growing too fast?)

    I don't really know the answer to your question, but I have a couple of Hermann's that are about 2.5 months old. On 8/14 they were 26 and 22 grams each respectively. I weighed them yesterday 10/2 and they were 61 and 54 grams. I wasn't expecting them to grow that fast, but then again - I have...
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    He's definitely not Chuck Norris. Nobody dares turn Chuck Norris down on a project. Chuck Norris Fact: he died 10 years ago, death just hasn't built up the courage to tell him yet. Glad to have you back Greg. Love seeing pictures of your herd.
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    Two Sulcatas in Northern Virginia

    RE: Two female Sulcatas in Northern Virginia Looks like the lady is willing to take a $100 for them. Just wants to find them a good home. Wish I had the right setup for them.
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    Two Sulcatas in Northern Virginia

    Two sulcatas in Northern Virginia. Looks like they want $150 for both.
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    Dirt Turtles???

    How did they even manage to find out the Tortoises were males?
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    Buying WC Tortoise from reputable breeder??

    People that were giving you crap were probably like me in that the term "wild caught" immediately made me think of those images I linked to earlier. I didn't even notice the reputable dealer part so i probably inserted my big feet into my mouth too. Anyways, I'm sure you'll give the Butcher a...
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    Buying WC Tortoise from reputable breeder??

    My apologies if that seemed like it was directed at you. I was replying more to the why is it bad to purchase wild caught tortoises - Reading the whole post again - i missed the "reputable dealer" part and focused more on the "why does it seem bad to purchase WC". I've personally seen a few...
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    Buying WC Tortoise from reputable breeder??

    I think the tortoises I ended up adopting are wild caught. Given the right care and environment, I'm sure your tortoise will be happy. Food shows up magically and don't have to worry about predators? Can't beat that. It's just that so many of these tortoises end up in the wrong hands of people...
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    Buying WC Tortoise from reputable breeder??

    Here's a good article on why you should buy captive bred tortoises instead of wild caught: Here are some conditions a wild caught tortoise has to endure: Packed in snack boxes to be smuggled: Crammed into crates:
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    Tortoise on Tortoise crime - "ankle" biting

    He's doing ok and still eating fairly well - just feel bad not being able to take him outside. I was told to give injections under the skin. Been putting ointment on him a couple of times a day. On Monday, I am taking him to the Virginia Reptile Rescue. They said he would have a permanent home...
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    Little Luka Photoshoot

    Very cute little tortoise. Nice pictures too.
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    Torts that were drilled into, very crude video...

    Unfortunately, there are many people out there who don't realize that tortoises actually have sensory nerves in their shells. Obviously, ignorance is not an excuse. If you look on the bright side - at least the guy was able to let them roam outside instead of locked indoors somewhere. (I'm a...
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    Are you an Android user?

    Just downloaded it - looks really good.
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    Tortoise on Tortoise crime - "ankle" biting

    Mary Anne - Yes, I've been looking to rehome him since about a week after I got him. I realized very quickly that I wouldn't be able to provide a proper enclosure for him. Tyler - yes, his beak was very overgrown when I got him. I took him to the vet to have it trimmed down a bit, but it still...
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    Tortoise on Tortoise crime - "ankle" biting

    thanks so much for the detailed instructions Angela. I also checked out the videos on youtube. Just want to make sure I don't ended up hurting him much.
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    Tortoise on Tortoise crime - "ankle" biting

    Yep I took him to the vet and they gave me 9 needles of Fortaz. I have never done any injections before and don't like needles that much myself. Having a bit of trouble sleeping right now because I feel so bad for him. They showed me how to do it and to make sure I don't inject the Fortaz into...
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    Tortoise on Tortoise crime - "ankle" biting

    I'm positive it was the Star - he was ok when I went to take the dogs for a walk. When I came back, I saw the Star following him around trying to bite his back legs. Their enclosure is on a table so the dogs aren't able to get up there. At first, I couldn't believe my eyes because I didn't...
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    Tortoise on Tortoise crime - "ankle" biting

    I'm so surprised he is capable of that! He was very timid and shy when I got him. Now he acts like he owns the place. I live in Northern Virginia. I don't have the slightest clue how old he is. Here's a pic of him the day I got him last month: These are from a couple of weeks ago: