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  1. Dougal

    My little guy won't eat his grass...

    Hi Tom! Here's a link to the AZ/Sonora Desert Museum care sheet. These guys really are experts. I do soak Dougal every day and keep his enclosure moist and he seems quite happy. I have, however taken your advice to heart and I think I'll bring him in more often...
  2. Dougal

    My little guy won't eat his grass...

    Hi Tom! Thanks! I'm pretty sure I read that you need to move your babies out as soon as possible on the Arizona/Sonora Desert Museum website. They have an adoption program. Not that you are not correct. I have to admit I worry about my little guy out and find myself checking on him almost...
  3. Dougal

    My little guy won't eat his grass...

    So, I've moved little Dougal to his outside enclosure and he seems to be thriving, but since I fed him grape leaves, he quit eating the rye/bermuda grass and dichondra. He still loves clover, but I'm running out of the stuff I've got growing in the yard (funny that I spent 15 years trying to...
  4. Dougal

    Advice from all you experts!

  5. Dougal

    Advice from all you experts!

    Even your babies?
  6. Dougal

    Advice from all you experts!

    I suspect the real culprit may be that lamp!
  7. Dougal

    Advice from all you experts!

    Thank you, Yvonne.
  8. Dougal

    Advice from all you experts!

    It's getting warm enough that he will be outside all day unless it's raining. Or 115!
  9. Dougal

    Advice from all you experts!

    Any preference on the substrate? What about my lamp? It's a 100 Watt UVA UVB Mercury Vapor Bulb. And what should the humidity gauge say. Sorry to be so stupid, but all the technicalities of raising a baby tortoise can be difficult and confusing. The advice is all over the place. Thank you...
  10. Dougal

    Advice from all you experts!

    Yikes! I feel terrible! Have I deformed him forever? How do I check the humidity? The heat lamp may be too big, I guess. The substrate is "good Arizona soil". I got the idea somewhere online. It always seems a little moist just under the surface because of his water dish and I have a little...
  11. Dougal

    Advice from all you experts!

    Thanks for the welcome, Techno! I will post a photo of his tank later (10 gallon tank with a heat/full spectrum UV light sitting on top). I took this one this morning. Plus he has a small enclosure outside which he has been spending more and more time in as it gets warmer. Do you think he is...
  12. Dougal

    Advice from all you experts!

  13. Dougal

    Advice from all you experts!

    Hi Yvonne, thank you for the welcome. Your babies look good! When you say Dougal is "bumpy", do you mean you think he is pyramiding? That is alarming! I thought he looked pretty good.:( I don't give him calcium supplements, but he's always gotten plenty of sunshine.
  14. Dougal

    Advice from all you experts!

    Hi! My little Dougal was hatched around Halloween. I am really winging it here with him, doing research online. This forum is a terrific resource. I think he is doing well, I can't believe how much I have fallen in love with the little guy. He's growing, eating and pooping, He weighs about...
  15. Dougal

