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  1. R

    my male star just not interesting female

    How are you keeping them? Habitat is a big factor.
  2. R

    Substrate Question

    I first place an inch of sand/fine gravel (the kind for cactus) on the bottom and then a layer of soil on top. I then place a mat of Bermuda grass on top of the soil. The Stars like to hide under the grass near the UVB heat/light source and will also eat the grass. The sand on the bottom will...
  3. R

    Growth (is my star growing too fast?)

    Can you post some photos of your star?
  4. R

    hay and grass

    Hi Sky2Mina, Bangkok is absolutely my favorite city! I have tried all the tricks but it would be good if they actually like it and go for it!
  5. R

    hay and grass

    Hi! My name is Ray and I live in Hong Kong aka the Concrete Jungle. The only grass we see are in the median dividers on the freeway! We are at the mercy of whatever the supermarket offers when comes to feeding our pets. Unfortunately most of what is recommended are not available here. The...
  6. R

    hay and grass

    I understand the ideal diet for stars should comprise largely of hay. Some resources recommend no spring mix at all and very sparingly only as a supplement pellets such as Mazuri. I have been lurking on tortoise forums learning how to best care for my stars and seems I have yet to come across...
  7. R

    ZOOMED grassland food

    Years ago when I didn't know anything about raising torts I fed my Leopard Rep Cal "fruity pebbles". Leo couldn't get enough of the stuff and grew really fast and of course pyramided and died young. I got a baby Star last year and again fed it Rep Cal but thanks to the internet I became more...