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  1. Calummaparsonii27

    Update on Turt

    It is with a heavy heart that I announce Turt's death. I accept full responsibility for his death as it was my fault. To start, I suffer from severe depression and my animals are what help me get through the days. I went off my two main anti-depressants after unwelcome side-effects became...
  2. Calummaparsonii27

    Is this normal for a tortoise?

    So my baby Sulcata will randomly just stop in his tracks and fall asleep for maybe 5 minutes, then resume walking around and rinse and repeat. Is this normal behavior?
  3. Calummaparsonii27


    As one would guess, I am new here to the Tortoise Forums. I am new to the whole idea of forums, just yesterday signing up for the Chameleon Forums. Currently I have 5 herps, Turt my baby Sulcata Tortoise, Krieg my baby Savannah Monitor, Zer0 my Green Iguana, Tod my Eastern Steppe Runner, and...
  4. Calummaparsonii27

    Meet Turt

    This is Turt, my baby Sulcata Tortoise I got about a month ago. Just thought I'd put this out there.