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  1. Maribel

    Comment by 'Maribel' in media 'Watson Being Cute'

    He is a redfoot tortoise
  2. Maribel

    Lets see some Redfoots!

    So cute! I love watching tortoises eat! Love the name btw! My baby turns 1 next week!
  3. Maribel

    Lets see some Redfoots!

    OMG that baby tortoise foot ?
  4. Maribel

    Lets see some Redfoots!

    So cool you saw your tort hatch out of the egg!!! I love Redfoots personalities, I could watch them all day!!
  5. Maribel

    Lets see some Redfoots!

    lol I’m pretty forgetful too, I missed a few months on my chart, must have been quarantine brain! Well she is very cute! ?
  6. Maribel

    Lets see some Redfoots!

    I chart my guys weight and length of shell monthly on an excel sheet... and it’s been a steady increase. He currently weighs 208 grams and is a little over 4 in and he will be 1 year old
  7. Watson Being Cute

    Watson Being Cute

  8. Watson chowing down Dandelion Greens

    Watson chowing down Dandelion Greens

  9. Maribel

    Lets see some Redfoots!

    More pics of Watson after I disturbed his nap ? Side note do you think my guy is pyramiding? I know he is growing but there are small divot looking marks on the black part of his shell, you can kind of see on 3rd picture... it’s so hard not to feed him grocery greens but living I Arizona...
  10. Maribel

    Lets see some Redfoots!

    How old is your little guy or gal and how big is he?! He looks so much like my Watson, I’ll have to dig mine out of his hide in a little and get a good pic of him!
  11. Maribel

    Lets see some Redfoots!

    Watson loves to play Hide and Seek. He has a birthday coming up next week! 1 year old!
  12. Maribel

    New Mom to a 2 Month Old Redfoot

    He sleeps in a terra-cotta pot, I’ll check the substrate to see if it’s too wet in there. I use the coconut coir and have had no issues thus far. I him in a large tub 40 gal closed enclosure and it gets quite humid in there so no problem keeping it humid. His heat source is a CHE that is on a...
  13. Maribel

    New Mom to a 2 Month Old Redfoot

    Hi! Thank you ? He is such a joy to have as a pet!! What kind of tortoise do you have JennW30?
  14. Maribel

    New Mom to a 2 Month Old Redfoot

    Hello, Watson has been doing well and growing! I just can’t figure out what’s going on with his shell, I treated the fungus underneath but now there are spots on the edge of his shell. I hope it’s not shell rot!! Please help!!
  15. Maribel

    What Shell Fungus (Shell Rot) Looks like

    It’s mostly closed with foil, humidity does not dip below 80%. Any certain brand I should use? Thanks!
  16. Maribel

    What Shell Fungus (Shell Rot) Looks like

    New to the forum! I just got a baby Redfoot this past weekend and I was observing his shell and plastron and I noticed some white stuff on it. It could be fungus? The indoor enclosure keeps humidity in and it’s between 80-90%, sometimes 93! Is there such a thing as too humid for a Redfoot...
  17. Maribel

    Lets see some Redfoots!

    Hi! This is Watson
  18. Maribel

    New Mom to a 2 Month Old Redfoot

    He sleeps a lot! I wake him up in the morning and give him a soak and put out his food before I go to work. Still having issues with humidity in the enclosure but I will be picking up plexiglass today to cover his enclosure. I have a CHE on a thermostat controller and works like a charm. It...
  19. Maribel

    New Mom to a 2 Month Old Redfoot

    :)Hi everyone! I have been reading this forum nonstop for the past couple of weeks. We have been planning for our Baby Redfoot to arrive and this forum has helped me so much! Introducing Watson: Watson in his morning soak after he woke up. Right now his bedding is a mix of Forest Floor Cypress...