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  1. OneTortisBoi

    Tortoise ate Unknown vine

    My Baby cherryheadss enclosure is filled with these vines that im not familiar of...... I'm worried it might be poisonous or something.... Anybody knows what it is?
  2. OneTortisBoi

    My Large Sulcatas ate some Styrofoam

    Man having tortoises can be a handful sometimes my female eats everything that lands on her enclosure even tried to have a nibble on my foot... Good thing i wear0 boots when i hang out with them
  3. OneTortisBoi

    My Large Sulcatas ate some Styrofoam

    Lol sorry tom here was the poop..... Totally not gonna let this happen in the future
  4. OneTortisBoi

    My Large Sulcatas ate some Styrofoam

    Yeh they look like normal poop at first but then i picked it up and opened it(i know im gross XD) then there it was, I'll upgrade the fencing around the perimeter so next time something blows inside their enclosure it wont pass easily
  5. OneTortisBoi

    My Large Sulcatas ate some Styrofoam

    Finally they pooped it out, that took a while, atleast i can breathe easy now....... Thanks for all the help and advice everyone
  6. OneTortisBoi

    My Large Sulcatas ate some Styrofoam

    Okay tom good thing i have opuntia growing around the place, thanks alot
  7. OneTortisBoi

    My Large Sulcatas ate some Styrofoam

    Wow thats crazy that your tortoise ate you wife's flip flop lol the fact that its rubber..... Thanks I'll update you guys whenever they poop out
  8. OneTortisBoi

    My Large Sulcatas ate some Styrofoam

    Yeh there was a big chunk missing from the foam pretty much my girl swallowed most of it the the male ate a little will try feeding them more papaya to help them pass it........thanks for the advice
  9. OneTortisBoi

    My Large Sulcatas ate some Styrofoam

    Hello everyone i really need help, two of my adult sulcatas accidentally ate some Styrofoam that the wind blew in their enclosure, and i am freaking the flip out.... What do i do? I gave them a few watermelon slices to help them pass it out hopefully it helps, i am so bumbed out right now?