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  1. Melloola

    Is my tortoise pyramiding?

    I got him from the tortoise centre in Essex. I think Meldrew looks gorgeous so so long as he's not unhealthy I'm more than happy. This bloke who made the comment said he was going to die. As you can imagine that terrified me. I might not of had him long but I adore him!
  2. Melloola

    Is my tortoise pyramiding?

    Hi, I've had my little fella for 3 months now. Meldrew looks exactly the same as when we got him, but I posted a picture of him on a tortoise page on facebook and someone made a comment saying he is pyramiding. Now I'm all worried about him. I will be taking him to the vet to get him checked...
  3. Melloola

    Photo uploads........

    I think I will have to do the same! Oh well.............. Thanks for your help. :oD
  4. Melloola

    Photo uploads........

    It's odd. I can put them on here fine but I can't upload them to an album. I keep getting the same message 'impossible to move'.
  5. Melloola

    Photo uploads........

    Where abouts do I paste the link? When I paste it in the photo gallery/albums uploader bit I still get the error message.[hr] [hr] Seems to work fine on this bit though!
  6. Melloola

    Photo uploads........

    Please can you help me? I'm desperate to upload some photo's of my little fella but for some reason I can't. I get an error message saying 'Impossible to move'. I have tried uploading from my hard drive and from photobucket but have had no luck. I have tried many times since I joined the forum. :o(
  7. Melloola

    Is Meldrew sick?

    Thanks for the advice! If it is a parasite problem is there anything I can do to help him before he get's to see a vet on Monday?
  8. Melloola

    A worried mummy!

    Hi, Thanks for replying. He's a Hermanni Hermanni tortoise. The greens are just Kale, a bit of some dark green cabbage. It just says spring greens. I've added a little parsnip to it. Apparently if you add a little arrowroot or alfalfa to te water it help harden the stools, but this is...
  9. Melloola

    A worried mummy!

    Hi! I've had my little fella for 3 weeks now and I'm a little worried about him. He's a one year old Dwarf Hermanns tortoise. Since he arrived he has had runny poo. I'm feeding him the usual stuff. I was feeding him lettuce (not iceberg), tomato, cucumber, spring greens etc but I read that...
  10. Melloola

    Is Meldrew sick?

    Hi! I've had my little fella for 3 weeks now and I'm a little worried about him. He's a one year old Dwarf Hermanns tortoise. Since he arrived he has had runny poo. I'm feeding him the usual stuff. I was feeding him lettuce (not iceberg), tomato, cucumber, spring greens etc but I read that...
  11. Melloola

    New mummy help!!

    I've tried to upload some but I'm getting an error message saying can't move files. The pic next to my name is little Meldrew though! I'll try again tomorrow.
  12. Melloola

    New mummy help!!

    Yeah, I'll upload some!
  13. Melloola

    New mummy help!!

    Hi! My name is Melanie and I'm Stockport, Manchester, uk. I did think I might be scaring her because of my size! I'm not sure she's had much interaction with humans before.
  14. Melloola

    New mummy help!!

    Hi! Thanks, I will definitely try that with her!
  15. Melloola

    New mummy help!!

    Hi! THanks for replying! The temperature is around 87f at the moment. I've just switched the lights off as they've been on for 12hrs. Is that right?
  16. Melloola

    New mummy help!!

    Hi! I have a Hermanni Hermanni tortoise that arrived last week. She is supposed to be around a year old. She eats very well and seems very happy in her new home. My question is about handling her. She seems very nervous around me and spends a lot of time in her hide. I haven't been hadling her...