A worried mummy!

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5 Year Member
Sep 23, 2011
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Manchester, UK

I've had my little fella for 3 weeks now and I'm a little worried about him. He's a one year old Dwarf Hermanns tortoise. Since he arrived he has had runny poo. I'm feeding him the usual stuff. I was feeding him lettuce (not iceberg), tomato, cucumber, spring greens etc but I read that some of the things I have been giving him like broccoli can cause this problem so I've been very careful not to give him too much cabbage, broccoli or fruit and mainly stuck to lettuce, aubergene and carrot for the last few days. It doesn't seem to have helped.

I read that it was possibly his diet or he could need worming and that I should give him a small amount of arrowroot or alfalfa and to worm him just incase. I've been trying to find out what to use to worm him and how much arrowroot or alfalfa to give him but I'm struggling to find any information.

He seems happy enough, he's eating well and active. Please could someone advise me as to what to do?


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Hi! Never heard anybody claiming a "dwarf" strain of Hermanns. Wondering if this is just an animal who has failed to grow for one reason or another. How big is it?

Most of the things you listed in your food choices are high in water: tomato, cucumber, so that could have been one problem. Now you said he is "mainly" on greens...what kind of greens? Also how long have you given him just this diet?

What is the reasoning to feed arrowroot and alfalfa?

I would certainly take a stool sample in to a reptile Vet, just to rule out the possible parasite problem. (especially if this tortoise is under size).


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5 Year Member
Sep 23, 2011
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Manchester, UK
Jacqui said:
Hi! Never heard anybody claiming a "dwarf" strain of Hermanns. Wondering if this is just an animal who has failed to grow for one reason or another. How big is it?

Most of the things you listed in your food choices are high in water: tomato, cucumber, so that could have been one problem. Now you said he is "mainly" on greens...what kind of greens? Also how long have you given him just this diet?

What is the reasoning to feed arrowroot and alfalfa?

I would certainly take a stool sample in to a reptile Vet, just to rule out the possible parasite problem. (especially if this tortoise is under size).


Thanks for replying. He's a Hermanni Hermanni tortoise. The greens are just Kale, a bit of some dark green cabbage. It just says spring greens. I've added a little parsnip to it.

Apparently if you add a little arrowroot or alfalfa to te water it help harden the stools, but this is just advice I have read on the internet.

I have an appointment with a vet on Monday which was the first one available. I hope he's good as I've not used him before. What would I need to use for a parasite problem? Is there anything I can do until he sees the vet?


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Sorry to hear about your little one, if I were you I wound forget on the Alfalfa, it is way too high in protein. Kale should be offered once in a while and not everyday. Tomatoes should be a treat and not an everyday food.
Good luck :)
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