Search results

  1. Mrs_Gal1981

    Feral Cat House for outdoor tortoise?

    This is another potential one, also no insulation so that would be added as well. And we'd bury the legs to lower the door.
  2. Mrs_Gal1981

    Feral Cat House for outdoor tortoise?

    Thank you, and you're right. I could have sworn this one was insulated but I must have mixed it with another listing I saw. Wondering if we could add insulation as well then. My husband is a handyman but the first one he built from scratch was initially built to keep inside, then we saw how...
  3. Mrs_Gal1981

    Feral Cat House for outdoor tortoise?

    I was wondering if anyone here has ever used one of these feral cat houses to house an outdoor tortoise...
  4. Mrs_Gal1981

    Tiny white bugs (mites?) w/ video

    I recently asked this too. I just found them on my red foot while soaking. Not that many, I’ve seen probably 3-4 at once. I see them drop in the water when I soaking him and pour water on his shell. It’s hard to capture them in video/pic but I googled “white springtails” and they look exactly...
  5. Mrs_Gal1981

    New Cherry Head losing weight, is this normal?

    I agree. I just didn’t know because everything I read was like “weigh your baby torts weekly and make sure they’re growing” so I panicked. I will put the scale away lol and will do monthly checks! Thanks again!
  6. Mrs_Gal1981

    New Cherry Head losing weight, is this normal?

    UPDATE: today Lorenzo had a really big meal of cactus and Mazuri, so out of curiosity I decided to weigh him again, to see how much food affected his numbers. Well, he was just over 1lb!!! Yesterday he was 15.1 but hadn’t eaten much. So that kind of answers my question. It really depends on...
  7. Mrs_Gal1981

    New Cherry Head losing weight, is this normal?

    Thank you!! No I actually posted earlier today. No sweat though. Like I said we do eat plenty more than he eats but I wonder if he’s still not eating to his potential because he’s still adjusting. Thank you for all your help!
  8. Mrs_Gal1981

    New Cherry Head losing weight, is this normal?

    Thank you! I will keep all that in mind. Yes, he is still eating “normally” although I’m not 100% certain what “normal” means for him since he is new to us. I had read that weighing weekly and measuring monthly was recommended but I may just do both monthly. He seems to eat well, considering the...
  9. Mrs_Gal1981

    New Cherry Head losing weight, is this normal?

    Hello all, a little less than a month ago we adopted a young red foot tortoise, about 5.6" small. Not quite a hatchling. He has been pretty shy and does not come out on his own, we only bring him out at feeding time. He seems interested in food and eats right away. I posted before asking about...
  10. Mrs_Gal1981

    Tiny white bugs...mites? Baby pilbugs? Or beneficial soil bugs?

    I got those macro pics which I think help see them better than a video would. I am reading more about springtails, at first when someone mentioned them I was conflicted as in all the pics I saw they were black, but I googled “white springtails” and they look exactly like it. I know it’s probably...
  11. Mrs_Gal1981

    Tiny white bugs...mites? Baby pilbugs? Or beneficial soil bugs?

    Ok so I saw them again today (on him! ?) and was able to take a quick pic with my phone’s macro lens so this is the best I could do. If anyone is able to identify that’d be great. They bother me probably more than they bother him, but I just want to make sure we aren’t dealing with a bigger more...
  12. Mrs_Gal1981

    Tiny white bugs...mites? Baby pilbugs? Or beneficial soil bugs?

    I see. I found a YT video called “Tiny white terrarium bugs” and they look like those. You definitely see them walk around, just ridiculously tiny, I’ve seen 1 at a time on his shell. They are very similar to freshly hatched Pillbugs. The YT video says they are “hypoaspis”. Just wondering when...
  13. Mrs_Gal1981

    Tiny white bugs...mites? Baby pilbugs? Or beneficial soil bugs?

    Just looked them up. I mean I’d have to get one and put it under the microscope to be really sure. Hopefully is nothing problematic. When should I worry about “mites” then? White ones are definitely not harmful mites?
  14. Mrs_Gal1981

    Tiny white bugs...mites? Baby pilbugs? Or beneficial soil bugs?

    Few days ago saw this teeny tiny white almost clear bugs crawling on Enzo when I took him out to soak. I wash them off and came to do some research. Someone mentioned harmful mites are usually black and that the white ones usually come with the soil and help break out decomposing matter. Is this...
  15. Mrs_Gal1981

    Help creating a Diet menu for Cherry Head

    Thank you so much!
  16. Mrs_Gal1981

    Help creating a Diet menu for Cherry Head

    Thank you! There are two kinds of the LS diet. Either one is fine? One says for grass eating tortoises and the other one says for small tortoises and omnivorous reptiles. I actually happened to get the one for herbivores so wondering if that’s still ok, considering I’ll still be supplementing...
  17. Mrs_Gal1981

    Not enough sunlight?

    Thanks for your input, not sure where I mentioned we poke or fiddle, as I mentioned above, we don't even pick him up either. All I was asking about was opening the lid of the house to allow some sunlight, and mentioned he comes out on his own when there's light. Also, it's not a hatchling, we...
  18. Mrs_Gal1981

    Not enough sunlight?

    Don't know exact age but he's about 6". The outdoor enclosure is predator proof.
  19. Mrs_Gal1981

    Not enough sunlight?

    Thank you all! I will do that then. I was just mainly concerned for his need of light health-wise but good to know he does not need that much. We try not to handle him much. When he is out he does not seem shy, in fact he loves approaching my son's feet. The enclosure is under trees so it mostly...