Search results

  1. scoutley

    SOS Marginated Tortoise MBD Advice

    Thank you everyone, we really appreciate it. I will continue to send updates. I've ordered new food, UVB, calcium, got new greens and will build him something new for outside during the warm sunny days. At this rate will his shell be soft forever? Or if he's better it will harden again? How can...
  2. scoutley

    SOS Marginated Tortoise MBD Advice

    Thank you, I'll buy the lamp and focus on the sun more! He refuses to eat pellets and the calcium powder, any recommendations on getting him to eat them? I do put them but he doesn't touch it ever.
  3. scoutley

    SOS Marginated Tortoise MBD Advice

    Hi all! Thanks for the responses! What size enclosure is he in? - we built him a 3 story enclosure, each floor is about 1.5x4ft, he loves climbing all around(pics attached) What are the temps? Basking temp? All over temp? Night temps? - we live in Ohio, we keep our home temperature around...
  4. scoutley

    SOS Marginated Tortoise MBD Advice

    Our Marginated, Atty, has not been himself lately, not eating as much, not moving as much, has puffy eyes, soft shell on the bottom, looks to be opening his mouth alot, etc. We took him to the emergency vet today but they did not seem to know what they were doing, we don't trust their advice...
  5. scoutley

    darker spot on my marginated's stomach?

    Thank you for the reply! This little spot is my main concern, I honestly didn't even notice the red until you said it just now, do you think that is something of concern too? Thanks!
  6. scoutley

    moving to the UK from the US with our 3y/o Marginated Tortoise- help!

    For anyone searching something similar just wanted to share an update. We were not able to bring him with us, our sister was able to watch him for us while we traveled. Scotland and the UK are very strict about having them! We have, however flown with him domestically in the US a few times now...
  7. scoutley

    darker spot on my marginated's stomach?

    Hello! We have a 4 year old marginated tortoise (Atty), from what I can tell very healthy (and very spoiled). I've noticed a little dark spot on his stomach forming recently and wanted to see if anyone knows what it is or how I can fix it. I've read about shell molding but I don't think that...
  8. scoutley

    moving to the UK from the US with our 3y/o Marginated Tortoise- help!

    Thank you! Curious what kind of pets you had transferred with that company? How much was it, if you recall?
  9. scoutley

    moving to the UK from the US with our 3y/o Marginated Tortoise- help!

    Thank you for this information, super helpful! Do you have any animal brokers that you have used before that you could recommend? We wouldn't mind paying necessarily, we would love to keep him with us, he's like our child
  10. scoutley

    moving to the UK from the US with our 3y/o Marginated Tortoise- help!

    Thank you! Yeah we've been here but keep going in circles, marginated tortoises are not on the list that the site provides so not sure where to go from there, since other sections mention reptiles are non-native. Thanks for the info!
  11. scoutley

    moving to the UK from the US with our 3y/o Marginated Tortoise- help!

    Hi everyone, I have seen posts about this before but never find any clear answers. We could use some advice! We're moving to the UK this spring from LA and we have a 3y/o Marginated Tortoise (Atty, he's the cutest). We have been reading about airlines not allowing exotic pets and the UK being...
  12. scoutley

    Looking for a Venezuelan Red Foot

    Hello! I am new to the forum! I am looking to buy a venezuelan red foot tortoise. I have done some research and they look like the coolest little tortoises. We are looking for a male preferably, younger the better. If you have suggestions or tips let me know! Thanks in advance!