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  1. L

    A little disappointed :(

    Sorry about that. Hopefully you'll find another one soon. I too, have people who don't get my tort love. In the beginning they joked about getting me a rock instead. Although now it's changed to the label of "crazy tortoise lady" (a name I wear with pride!)
  2. L

    I'm pretty sure everyone has done a thread like this...

    Thanks for the advice, it really helped comfort me in knowing he's okay. :) So good news! When I left for work today, I saw he had unburrowed himself and was looking around (while sitting halfway in his hide.) And tonight when I got home, I saw that he had eaten all of the leaves I had left...
  3. L

    I'm pretty sure everyone has done a thread like this...

    So yesterday my best friend decided that I should get my birthday present early and took me to Petsmart to get my Russian. This little guy(?) was kept in a glass case that was only about three times his size and had only 1/4" of substrate. Overall, he appears to be healthy. Although he is...
  4. L

    Fears/Phobias, what are yours?

    Many years ago. I had really immature friends that would jump as hard as they could in elevators because they knew I had a fear of the cable breaking. Well one time the elevator stopped working between floors!!! We were trapped there for an hour because nobody knew it was stuck (we were visiting...
  5. L

    My setup

    I don't know if I'd trust a bulb from ebay to not be used. But I did just get a 100w mvb from Amazon for 42 (after shipping) so you could always try there.
  6. L

    Hardest breeder

    I love it! :D If you are serious, I'd say go for it. Eventually you might get to release a whole line of tortoise "marital aides. "
  7. L

    Scott Smith's All Animal Expo Wheaton IL Saturday Nov 5th

    Aww. If only I didn't have work :(
  8. L

    Clifford's Home - From Introductions

    That is amazingly simple. I love how it looks classy and still keeps your tort warm. The floor covering must also make it easy to clean. :)
  9. L

    soon to be tort owner.

    Thanks everyone!
  10. L

    Question about transporting a new tort.

    Thanks for the advice! That sounds like a great idea. I was thinking of using those little disposable hand warmers that you can break to activate. Of course, after. Wrapping them in a towel.
  11. L

    Question about transporting a new tort.

    Not sure if this is in the right section, but I figure this is the best place to post my question. So long story short, I don't own a car, and am worried about transporting my future tort via public transportation. While I could get a ride some of the time, I can't guarantee that I can avoid...
  12. L

    soon to be tort owner.

    Sorry, I thought I mentioned my name in the original post. My name is Trista. In college I majored in English with a specialization in education. While I would love to be able to have an opportunity to get more torts in the near future, space is kind of limited. Once I start my career on the...
  13. L

    soon to be tort owner.

    Hi everyone, this is my first time posting (well, third try at making this post actually, but first time avoiding hitting the "send" button by accident.) I love the knowledge base and activity that this forum provides. And the mobile app is to die for. :D A little about me: 23 year old (soon...