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  1. L

    I'm pretty sure everyone has done a thread like this...

    So yesterday my best friend decided that I should get my birthday present early and took me to Petsmart to get my Russian. This little guy(?) was kept in a glass case that was only about three times his size and had only 1/4" of substrate. Overall, he appears to be healthy. Although he is...
  2. L

    Question about transporting a new tort.

    Not sure if this is in the right section, but I figure this is the best place to post my question. So long story short, I don't own a car, and am worried about transporting my future tort via public transportation. While I could get a ride some of the time, I can't guarantee that I can avoid...
  3. L

    soon to be tort owner.

    Hi everyone, this is my first time posting (well, third try at making this post actually, but first time avoiding hitting the "send" button by accident.) I love the knowledge base and activity that this forum provides. And the mobile app is to die for. :D A little about me: 23 year old (soon...