Search results

  1. R

    Choosing a Species

    My only experience is with sulcatas and mine has been about 15" at one point at the beginning of this season. Those with leopards can confirm that they can walk at least about 100' in under 3 minutes so think about only 9 minutes of pacing on a 20' wall. That would be 15 wall trips. Fortunately...
  2. R

    Temporary barrier fail!

    Today around 11:00 my wife sends me this photo from her office. It's gov't busy season and she's in meetings on the phone all day and very busy. Basically the weather here this week has been all rain/fog/clouds all week and this little one was climbing the walls of his or her indoor enclosure...
  3. R

    Sorry for the bad word....

    Jeff, That photo is so frightening. When I had this solar job done I was initially upset that when there is no grid power you can't use solar without batteries in the system. Do you know why? Because if it was always tied in, there would be the potential to kill linemen repairing the grid power...
  4. R

    Zane Zander my 3 yr Old Sulcuta

    This is soooo much like my 2.5 year old sulcata Stump. 19.5" long and 20.2Kg (44.53lbs) last Friday at the vet. Wakes up, has a snack in Kathleen's office, and goes outside. Then I come home from work, go for a walk 1/2 mile to a mile and then upstairs for 2 soaks then bedtime snack then in the...
  5. R

    What do parasites look like?

    Confirmed. Moderate load of pinworms. Pick up his prescription tomorrow.
  6. R

    A question about sharks? I saw a show on TV where something was presented that made a whole lot of sense. In modern times, low frequencies from car subwoofers (that are often an unwanted annoyance) are interfering with the communication of sharks...
  7. R

    Optimus Prime just pass 1000g

    I feel really guilty putting my little one upside down on the small scale for a couple seconds but s/he won't stay still for nothing! When I put a container big enough I can read the scale. Can't wait until larger like Optimus Prime to make the scale switch.
  8. R

    Optimus Prime just pass 1000g

    Former "Little" stumpy was 20.2Kg or 44.53lbs at the vet on Friday. @ a few weeks over 2.5yrs old. Riding in the back of the Mustang above and and he got a lot taller below. At least 1/2" in the past couple weeks. He's 19.5" long now and just spread out wider as he got taller. Hoping/knowing...
  9. R

    Optimus Prime just pass 1000g

    Super round!!
  10. R

    What species of plants do Sulcata's EAT EXACTLY IN THEIR WILD HABITAT?

    This is very informative indeed. I have made the same observations about rocks, pebbles, twigs, carrion, etc. I had to pull a dead baby bird out of my large sulcata's mouth recently after he swallowed half of it. Partly why he went to the vet yesterday and to get a parasite check, etc. on his...
  11. R

    What do parasites look like?

    These float in his soaks if he poops and it dissolves. His poop normally is firm, not wet and grass heavy. I'm taking him tomorrow or Friday, stool in hand, for testing and general annual checkup. His last was last August when he took his unplanned vacation so it's time anyway.
  12. R

    What do parasites look like?

    Stump is 47lbs @ 2yrs and 6.5 months old. For the past 2 days he has passed in his poop what appears to be grass seed which makes sense. No difference in activity. Does anyone here have photos of common parasites that look like grass seed? Should I have him tested? About 1/16 to 1/8" long by...
  13. R

    SOS Marginated Tortoise MBD Advice

    Thanks Maggie. 52. Wouldn't you know my hip was killing me for the first time yesterday. My warranty must have been 52 years. LOL! Like one of my good friends. always says, "Getting old is not for sissies". Then you add these ginormous beasts into the mix...
  14. R

    SOS Marginated Tortoise MBD Advice

    Couldn't agree more. If you have a food processor, place the greens and soaked Mazuri in it. They will not be able to separate the good food from what they want to eat. Same with calcium powder. They are ALL gifted with a beak to pick out what they want. My big one absolutely hates Mazuri now...
  15. Stump Sulcata Tortoise

    Stump Sulcata Tortoise

    Check out the time lapse videos of how far he walks in an afternoon.
  16. Stump Sulcata Tortoise

    Stump Sulcata Tortoise

    This guy is all about the corn field.
  17. R

    Hypothetical steps to take in response to a severe night box heating failure in frozen weather?

    2 heaters with one set slightly lower than normal will prevent almost normal operation if a failure occurs. I just did that with my sump pump in the basement. I now have 2 so if one fails I'm good.
  18. 60yo eastern box turtle - Quincy

    60yo eastern box turtle - Quincy

    Hanging out with us this summer.
  19. R

    Encroachment on Wildlife Habitats has Become a Growing Issue

    Yes, there is a purpose. I have 45 panels, 3 Tesla batteries and grid tie gateway. Why did I get it? Whole house backup and to upset my liberal friends when I ask them where theirs is when they start talking about climate change. LOL!!!
  20. R

    I believe they are enjoying their new home

    It's so sad that bad things happen to these little ones because of people's choices. That said, people are going to do very different things but temperature and humidity when they're small is essential and you'll never get that with an open top. Below is Figgy aka the figster. Totally smooth and...