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  1. X


    Can anyone ID this guy? I know the photo isn't great, but he is shy to say the least! Notice the red head. Ideas? Sorry if this double posts!
  2. X

    Freaking out!

    Oh phew. Okay, hibernation was something that I was stressing about a lot. I've got a vet appointment set up for him this week as well.
  3. X

    Freaking out!

    Thank you! You folks are so welcoming!
  4. X

    Freaking out!

    Hello all! I am a newbie and also a newbie tortoise owner. I have recently rescued a 6" male Russian and I don't know what to do as far as hibernation goes! I have read caresheet after caresheet and am still a bit confused! His appetite has slowed a LOT (as in...when I attempt to feed him...