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    New tortoise owner to a Sulcata, any tips greatly appreciated!

    Turbo finally ate! I am so relieved! I am waiting on a lot of stuff to arrive this week to put in her enclosure to make her more comfortable, hoping that soon she’ll claim it as her own and we can get into a routine.
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    New tortoise owner to a Sulcata, any tips greatly appreciated!

    Finally got a good picture of her! Right now I am a bit concerned as she has still not eaten. I have offered lettuce, cucumber, carrots, bell peppers, she hasn’t touched any of them. I also haven’t seen her poop at all. She has drank a little bit of water. She is also still trying to climb up...
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    New tortoise owner to a Sulcata, any tips greatly appreciated!

    Thank you so much! I feel so much better about everything now! I’ve just been calling her “she” because she was a lot smaller than her siblings, I have no idea😂 I named her Turbo because she likes to speed around her enclosure all fast haha, also a good name for a male or female. I will send...
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    New tortoise owner to a Sulcata, any tips greatly appreciated!

    Thank you so much for the suggestion of the grow tent! I think that’s the path I’ll go, it’s much easier for me to see setting up one of those rather than using all my money on an enclosure or attempting to build one myself😂 What do I use at night while the basking bulb is off to keep her warm...
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    New tortoise owner to a Sulcata, any tips greatly appreciated!

    Thank you very much for the recommendation, those definitely seem like the real deal. However, I am 17 years old and am paying for the tortoise on my own, so $1000 on an enclosure that my tortoise would use for maybe 2 years is simply not feasible for me currently. Are the wooden enclosures you...
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    New tortoise owner to a Sulcata, any tips greatly appreciated!

    Thank you! That is a lot of great information! After reading I am a bit overwhelmed, particularly with the enclosure. I am seeing that a closed enclosure is the best, especially with humidity, but I have no idea how to build that sort of thing. Are any available online? Also with lighting, do I...
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    New tortoise owner to a Sulcata, any tips greatly appreciated!

    I recently bought a Sulcata tortoise. I am not positive on her age but I measured her and she is about 2-2.5 inches long so I would estimate her to be a few months old. I have done a lot of research and read so much about everything Sulcatas need. I’ve read about some people, especially breeders...