New tortoise owner to a Sulcata, any tips greatly appreciated!


New Member
Oct 13, 2022
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Finally got a good picture of her! Right now I am a bit concerned as she has still not eaten. I have offered lettuce, cucumber, carrots, bell peppers, she hasn’t touched any of them. I also haven’t seen her poop at all. She has drank a little bit of water. She is also still trying to climb up the walls of her enclosure. I am soaking her in warm water every day and she always has a basking spot of 100 degrees and the rest of her enclosure is 80+ degrees and humid. I am trying to make her as comfortable as possible. At first I expected her to be a bit out of sorts as she was settling in but now I am getting concerned. What can I do to get her to eat and feel more comfortable?
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Jul 8, 2017
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Low desert 50 mi SE of Palm Springs CA
Finally got a good picture of her! Right now I am a bit concerned as she has still not eaten. I have offered lettuce, cucumber, carrots, bell peppers, she hasn’t touched any of them. I also haven’t seen her poop at all. She has drank a little bit of water. She is also still trying to climb up the walls of her enclosure. I am soaking her in warm water every day and she always has a basking spot of 100 degrees and the rest of her enclosure is 80+ degrees and humid. I am trying to make her as comfortable as possible. At first I expected her to be a bit out of sorts as she was settling in but now I am getting concerned. What can I do to get her to eat and feel more comfortable?
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What an adorable baby! She's beautiful!

Probably the best way to make her more comfortable is to make her feel safe. Torts are prey for birds and many animals, so they feel really vulnerable when out in the open. She needs lots of hiding places in her enclosure, and plants work well for this.

The problem with plants is that they have to be non-toxic to torts, and need to be free of harmful chemicals that most growers use on commercially sold plants, like bug killers and any other sprays or additives to plain fertilizer. They need to be washed out of a plant before it's safe. Here is a post how to do this properly. In the meantime, you can use plastic plants, but watch that Turbo doesn't start eating them.

Plants for enclosure:
Pothos, Spider Plant, Boston Fern, Prayer Plant

Post on commercial plants:

I have spider plants and pothos in my enclosures. Boston fern, prayer plants, and any kind of bromeliad are also safe.

But if you buy plants at a store, you cannot put them right in because the growers use chemicals on them. The chemicals go into the leaves so they are unsafe for the tort to eat.

It's best if you start from seeds, or find a family member or friend with one that doesn't use bug or weed killer, or spray on fertilizer. Take cuttings from their plants.

If you buy a plant from a store, take it out of its pot and rinse all the dirt off the roots. Then repot it in clean new soil without additives in it. Then wait a year. Only then will it be safe.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 14, 2017
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Palm Bay Fl
Finally got a good picture of her! Right now I am a bit concerned as she has still not eaten. I have offered lettuce, cucumber, carrots, bell peppers, she hasn’t touched any of them. I also haven’t seen her poop at all. She has drank a little bit of water. She is also still trying to climb up the walls of her enclosure. I am soaking her in warm water every day and she always has a basking spot of 100 degrees and the rest of her enclosure is 80+ degrees and humid. I am trying to make her as comfortable as possible. At first I expected her to be a bit out of sorts as she was settling in but now I am getting concerned. What can I do to get her to eat and feel more comfortable?
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What a cutie! I remember when Opo was so small and precious. How things have changed. Is your enclosure made of plastic or glass. If she can see out,put rows of tape.
high enough to block the veiw.
I reread your original post. You were saying where you read that 65° is fine. Once your tort is a couple of years old. If it is 65° sunny with no wind. You can let him outside, if you notice him trying to hide under plants or seems a little lethargic. It would be time to bring him in. Midday into afternoon is best time to do this. Gives time for the ground to heat up.
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New Member
Oct 13, 2022
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Finally got a good picture of her! Right now I am a bit concerned as she has still not eaten. I have offered lettuce, cucumber, carrots, bell peppers, she hasn’t touched any of them. I also haven’t seen her poop at all. She has drank a little bit of water. She is also still trying to climb up the walls of her enclosure. I am soaking her in warm water every day and she always has a basking spot of 100 degrees and the rest of her enclosure is 80+ degrees and humid. I am trying to make her as comfortable as possible. At first I expected her to be a bit out of sorts as she was settling in but now I am getting concerned. What can I do to get her to eat and feel more comfortable?
View attachment 350932
Finally got a good picture of her! Right now I am a bit concerned as she has still not eaten. I have offered lettuce, cucumber, carrots, bell peppers, she hasn’t touched any of them. I also haven’t seen her poop at all. She has drank a little bit of water. She is also still trying to climb up the walls of her enclosure. I am soaking her in warm water every day and she always has a basking spot of 100 degrees and the rest of her enclosure is 80+ degrees and humid. I am trying to make her as comfortable as possible. At first I expected her to be a bit out of sorts as she was settling in but now I am getting concerned. What can I do to get her to eat and feel more comfortable?
View attachment 350932
Finally got a good picture of her! Right now I am a bit concerned as she has still not eaten. I have offered lettuce, cucumber, carrots, bell peppers, she hasn’t touched any of them. I also haven’t seen her poop at all. She has drank a little bit of water. She is also still trying to climb up the walls of her enclosure. I am soaking her in warm water every day and she always has a basking spot of 100 degrees and the rest of her enclosure is 80+ degrees and humid. I am trying to make her as comfortable as possible. At first I expected her to be a bit out of sorts as she was settling in but now I am getting concerned. What can I do to get her to eat and feel more comfortable?
View attachment 350932
Turbo finally ate! I am so relieved! I am waiting on a lot of stuff to arrive this week to put in her enclosure to make her more comfortable, hoping that soon she’ll claim it as her own and we can get into a routine.


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Oct 14, 2017
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Palm Bay Fl
Turbo finally ate! I am so relieved! I am waiting on a lot of stuff to arrive this week to put in her enclosure to make her more comfortable, hoping that soon she’ll claim it as her own and we can get into a routine.
One day you will wonder if she has a bottomless pit for a stomach. 😁


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10 Year Member!
Mar 7, 2008
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Hi and welcome!
I remember seeing you from the earlier days in here when my kids were so young. They're about to graduate from colleges. Hope everything are fine with you & yours. These tortoises are smarter than what we think about them.

Yvonne G

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Jan 23, 2008
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Clovis, CA
Hi, and welcome to the Forum!