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  1. T

    Why does he hate me

    Hi Angie, Great Heavens I've just looked up the Aldabra, it's HUGE, 400lbs! Tim is only the fourth biggest breed, and thank goodness, the boys are quite a bit smaller than the girls. I can't safely pick him up with one hand any more though...
  2. T

    Why does he hate me

    Hi Angie, I'm Jess :). Tim sometimes goes for walks too, occasionally and inconveniently by himself. He's a Houdini, so my mobile and postcode are written on his tummy (vet approved), and people have rung from up to half a mile away, saying "I think I have your tortoise". On one shorter jolly, I...
  3. T

    Why does he hate me

    Hi all thanks for replies, Tim is our tortoise's name, not ours lol. He was born in 1998 and fitted in the palm of my hand, 3 and 3/4oz at one year old when we got him. He's now a hefty boy, who has just been getting in my way as I attempt to mow the grass. Coming back from emptying the grass...
  4. T

    Why does he hate me

    Wild tortoises are taken/eaten by eagles etc, so they are frightened of anything approaching from overhead. Bring your hand slowly from underneath at the front, so he can see it coming clearly. As others said, the hissing is just the breath going out as the head goes in, nothing personal. I...