Why does he hate me


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Nov 4, 2021
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Well, thank you Natrah, for forwarding this. . .
timmy_tortoise, I don't think there is a "Like" or "Dislike" to a tort, unless like you have found it involves strawberries . . LOL.
I must be Lucky, because My Leopard Seymour ( a lil over 5 yrs old), has no problem coming to me.
He might retract his head with a "Hiss", but he will stay standing up. If my Seymour is hungry, and see's I have food, he will come a runnin (so to speak) So, what I'm trying to say is two things . . they are all different, and . . they can learn to not be as "afraid" of the GIANT in their environment.
Just like Jacky and Daisy with strawberries and bananas (I no longer give bananas).


Gillian M

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Aug 28, 2014
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Please post pics of your tortoise and his enclosure.

Don't worry: Tortoises are reptiles - not mammals. Therefore, they do not give and take with human beings like dogs and cats do.

I tried to train my tortoise to do certain things, many years ago. But....no way. I came to learn that tortoises cannot be trained, again unlike dogs and cats.

Tim the leopard

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Mar 19, 2023
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Wild tortoises are taken/eaten by eagles etc, so they are frightened of anything approaching from overhead. Bring your hand slowly from underneath at the front, so he can see it coming clearly. As others said, the hissing is just the breath going out as the head goes in, nothing personal. I would advise constant handling (gently), put your tortoise on your lap and just keep stroking his shell while you watch tv in the evening. He will get bored eventually of being 'indoors' and once his head comes out, stroke gently under his chin, they generally enjoy that sensation. Talk to him, stroke him gently and give him regular daily gentle attention. You can't expect him to like you if you ignore him, or don't pay him much attention. Even a cat will become independent and just do its own thing if you don't pay it much regular attention, (and a dog will eat the house contents) and just like a cat, the more physical affection you give a tortoise, the more affection it will develop for you. Let him out of his pen as often as possible, his scrabbling is a desire to go on an adventure and to escape the confining cage, in my experience no pen is big enough for any tortoise, they just love to travel, mine is currently frustrated by the size of the whole front garden, with a track around the edge to show for it. Your tortoise sitting in a corner is just him dozing in private, not sulking. If he's under his lamp he's just basking, if not, just dozing and saving energy for later adventures. He should have a lamp for uva/uvb if not outside in sunlight. Also needs calcium powder on his food to keep his shell/bones hard (though you probably know that already). If you give him lots more attention (as if he were a dog or cat) he should come round eventually. My tortoise is affectionate, he will go to the grandchildren for cuddles if he sees them in the garden, possibly a legacy of my children hurtling around the garden with him when young, so he was 'flying' in front of them, waving his legs vigorously so obviously enjoying the speed (if he hadn't he would have gone 'indoors'). He will come and sit on our feet given the chance, claws and all, and will always come to see what we're doing. Good luck with yours...


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5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Hello Tim and welcome from Devon.Your tortoise sounds very much like ours(he is a Hermanns ) and he is 23 years old. We have had him since he was a baby, and he is given a great deal of attention by me and my husband. He loves to go out with us in the car, sitting on my lap, he enjoys seeing different places, and particularly llkes to look at the sea. He has his own conservatory, but always enjoys having one of us being with him.He loves meeting people, and is great about letting them hold him or feed him, if we allow them. I could go on for ages about him ! We are very lucky
Best wishes from Angie
I agree that a lot of attention gradually make a difference in many tortoises behaviour, but maybe not to all of them.
What is his name ?


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
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Dear Tim,

I can confirm that Zola spends hours on Angie's lap. Jacky and Daisy have been in the family for seventy-two years (Daisy was put to sleep in November 2022) and both of them would come to me and turn their heads to listen to me. During a recent trip to the vets Jacky got bored and came running to me leaving the vet saying "she's off"!


jsheffield - In Memoriam

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Westmoreland, NH
My torts all seem to feel differently about me...

The Redfoot always seeks me out for scratches.

One of the Russians always comes for me with mouth open and hissing and will bite me if I leave my finger available for him.

A few of the other Russians are indifferent to me, but accept scratches and seem to enjoy them to varying degrees.

The Aldabra is slowly getting used to me and will sometimes interrupt his endless marching explorations to come over and check me out.

This despite the fact that I treat them all essentially the same.

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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
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My torts all seem to feel differently about me...

The Redfoot always seeks me out for scratches.

One of the Russians always comes for me with mouth open and hissing and will bite me if I leave my finger available for him.

A few of the other Russians are indifferent to me, but accept scratches and seem to enjoy them to being degrees.

The Aldabra is slowly getting used to me and will sometimes interrupt his endless marching explorations to come over and check me out.

This despite the fact that I treat them all essentially the same.


Tim the leopard

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Mar 19, 2023
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Hi all thanks for replies, Tim is our tortoise's name, not ours lol. He was born in 1998 and fitted in the palm of my hand, 3 and 3/4oz at one year old when we got him. He's now a hefty boy, who has just been getting in my way as I attempt to mow the grass. Coming back from emptying the grass box I found him sitting on the mower (waiting for a ride??). He's an African Leopard Spotted, so spends the winter in the kitchen under his lamp or just wandering about the house (on recent cold/wet days too) as he doesn't know how to hibernate. He likes going out in the car too, and has also spent a week on a Broads Yacht, though had an odd fascination for the river, and when on the bank, spent the whole time heading for the water. He was ok on the boat as it had a central low area he could wander about in. He's been on trains too. One funny incident was coming back from Lincoln, with Tim wandering about the carriage, when two teenage boys with bikes, swearing and bigging themselves up, as they were getting off, suddenly saw Tim, and instantly changed into two fascinated young boys who couldn't stop talking about him as they left, with not a swear word in earshot. I've never heard of an Aldabra, are they big?


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Hi all thanks for replies, Tim is our tortoise's name, not ours lol. He was born in 1998 and fitted in the palm of my hand, 3 and 3/4oz at one year old when we got him. He's now a hefty boy, who has just been getting in my way as I attempt to mow the grass. Coming back from emptying the grass box I found him sitting on the mower (waiting for a ride??). He's an African Leopard Spotted, so spends the winter in the kitchen under his lamp or just wandering about the house (on recent cold/wet days too) as he doesn't know how to hibernate. He likes going out in the car too, and has also spent a week on a Broads Yacht, though had an odd fascination for the river, and when on the bank, spent the whole time heading for the water. He was ok on the boat as it had a central low area he could wander about in. He's been on trains too. One funny incident was coming back from Lincoln, with Tim wandering about the carriage, when two teenage boys with bikes, swearing and bigging themselves up, as they were getting off, suddenly saw Tim, and instantly changed into two fascinated young boys who couldn't stop talking about him as they left, with not a swear word in earshot. I've never heard of an Aldabra, are they big?
Aldabras are very big indeed, as you will see if you look them up on the forum !
Zola is still small enough to be carried in one hand, and I don't think he will grow any more. His dad is at present out for a walk with him along the breakwater at Bude, a few miles away, and Zola trundles along over the cobblestones and rocks for long distances, just for fun. He attracts attention too,including being coo-ed over by great big tattooed bikers! He is very good at silencing small crying children, too. I believe his dad is going to take him for a paddle in the sea today - Zola loves to look at the water, while being carried along a little way above it - not actually in the water!
Sorry I called you Tim - silly of me - what can we call you?
A photo or two of Tim would be very nice. He is about the same age as Zola, but I think Tim is quite a bit bigger .


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
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Hi all thanks for replies, Tim is our tortoise's name, not ours lol. He was born in 1998 and fitted in the palm of my hand, 3 and 3/4oz at one year old when we got him. He's now a hefty boy, who has just been getting in my way as I attempt to mow the grass. Coming back from emptying the grass box I found him sitting on the mower (waiting for a ride??). He's an African Leopard Spotted, so spends the winter in the kitchen under his lamp or just wandering about the house (on recent cold/wet days too) as he doesn't know how to hibernate. He likes going out in the car too, and has also spent a week on a Broads Yacht, though had an odd fascination for the river, and when on the bank, spent the whole time heading for the water. He was ok on the boat as it had a central low area he could wander about in. He's been on trains too. One funny incident was coming back from Lincoln, with Tim wandering about the carriage, when two teenage boys with bikes, swearing and bigging themselves up, as they were getting off, suddenly saw Tim, and instantly changed into two fascinated young boys who couldn't stop talking about him as they left, with not a swear word in earshot. I've never heard of an Aldabra, are they big?
Just like Zola. Last year I was locked out of my flat with Jacky (Daisy was inside looking after the keys 🤣). I had to carry Jacky to the estate agents/landlords to get the key and we were very popular!


Tim the leopard

New Member
Mar 19, 2023
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Hi Angie,
I'm Jess :). Tim sometimes goes for walks too, occasionally and inconveniently by himself. He's a Houdini, so my mobile and postcode are written on his tummy (vet approved), and people have rung from up to half a mile away, saying "I think I have your tortoise". On one shorter jolly, I picked him up and needed some shopping, so let him wander about the local small Spar while I picked up what I needed. For the only time I remember, everyone in the shop started talking to him and to each other about him, it was very amusing. Strolling home at his pace, 3 cars stopped, one just for a better look, one to take photos, and one with an 8 year old, parked and came over for a chat and tortoise education lesson. Tim stomped along behind me the rest of the way with only one or two detours. I've never taken him to the beach, it's only 6 miles so will maybe give it a go? Not sure as we have sand...

Tim the leopard

New Member
Mar 19, 2023
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Hi Angie,
Great Heavens I've just looked up the Aldabra, it's HUGE, 400lbs! Tim is only the fourth biggest breed, and thank goodness, the boys are quite a bit smaller than the girls. I can't safely pick him up with one hand any more though...


Well-Known Member
5 Year Member
May 19, 2015
Hi Angie,
I'm Jess :). Tim sometimes goes for walks too, occasionally and inconveniently by himself. He's a Houdini, so my mobile and postcode are written on his tummy (vet approved), and people have rung from up to half a mile away, saying "I think I have your tortoise". On one shorter jolly, I picked him up and needed some shopping, so let him wander about the local small Spar while I picked up what I needed. For the only time I remember, everyone in the shop started talking to him and to each other about him, it was very amusing. Strolling home at his pace, 3 cars stopped, one just for a better look, one to take photos, and one with an 8 year old, parked and came over for a chat and tortoise education lesson. Tim stomped along behind me the rest of the way with only one or two detours. I've never taken him to the beach, it's only 6 miles so will maybe give it a go? Not sure as we have sand...
Hello Jess - Tim is obviously an intrepid sort of chap - he sounds great. We don't take Zola on to the beach, on the sand - we let him go on the breakwater, which is fairly smooth rocks plus bigger climbable ones - he gets up to quite a speed, and clearly has a lot of fun.


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2021
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Dear Jacky - I can almost see the glow of contentment that surrounds you- what a wonderful lady you are, and I am so glad you are helping Natrah and taking care of her.
Love and admiration from Zola xxxx
Thankyou Zola. You and Tim have a lot in common by the look of things.

Jacky and Natrah and little Angel Daisy