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  1. Grxciea

    Tortoise left outside overnight and health questions.

    I actually currently have D3 calcium powder for her. She gets it every couple days. I’ll have a look at terracotta. I’ve been told to use slate for feeding for beak trims though. Will update the list once i’ve found the correct things! Happy birthday by the way, hope youre having an amazing day
  2. Grxciea

    Tortoise left outside overnight and health questions.

    I really should’ve thought of that! The larger ones were for walking and the smaller ones were for the water dish as i’d seen it in many tortoise enclosures. Thank you for letting me know. I’ll have a look for the bulb now. Edit: I’ve added the correct UVB and larger stones.
  3. Grxciea

    Tortoise left outside overnight and health questions.

    I’ve seen some outdoor enclosures recently and have been considering making one actually! I do worry about UV as where i live has a very low uv index however she gets her time outdoors so hopefully it is okay. Heres the list for now, i’ll be adding things later on such a plant decor and hides...
  4. Grxciea

    Tortoise left outside overnight and health questions.

    A quick update and a few questions I’m still in the process of saving up money to build or buy the new enclosure for her. Space wise, i’m tempted to get rid of my set of draws and get a viv around 7ft in length and around 3-4ft in width. Then stand my tv and xbox on it. They never get used with...
  5. Grxciea

    Tortoise left outside overnight and health questions.

    i’ll definitely take a look at the coir then. My only issue is i have not a clue the right way to setup a uv tube and what to hook lights on however im sure my dad will help with that. I’m hoping if i pay for everything he’ll help as its not coming out of his pocket 🤷‍♀️
  6. Grxciea

    Tortoise left outside overnight and health questions.

    Quick update to all those interested. I have filled my dad in on my plan for a bigger indoor area and i believe i will get some help. He is very ignorant when it comes to stuff like this so this is a lot more exciting for me than it likely is for you. This means that roaming space will come...
  7. Grxciea

    Tortoise left outside overnight and health questions.

    Yes lack of roaming room needs to be addressed so whilst im making dietry and lighting changes i am saving up to make a better space for her. Gonna DIY a bookshelf into a table. Roaming space as of now will be a lot of outside time until everything is sorted which will hopefully be sooner than...
  8. Grxciea

    Tortoise left outside overnight and health questions.

    Oh lord thats quite scary. Is there anything i can do to further prevent it worsening or are my planned changes enough? These photos arent in day lighting as there’s no sunlight where i am, i hope that is okay.
  9. Grxciea

    Tortoise left outside overnight and health questions.

    I’ve attached some photos a couple seconds ago hopefully in better daylight lighting with many angles. Let me know if anything else is needed
  10. Grxciea

    Tortoise left outside overnight and health questions.

    Yeah she struggles a lot to break her food to swallow it and she struggles to eat, some days i have to resort to hand feeding.
  11. Grxciea

    Tortoise left outside overnight and health questions.

    That make’s perfect sense thank you. Im honestly very surprised little Rhiannon doesn’t have bad pyramiding due to past mistakes. I believe there is a bit though. How would you say she looks health wise? Sorry for the question overload, my adhd is hyperfixated on getting all the information asap!
  12. Grxciea

    Tortoise left outside overnight and health questions.

    I am also quite curious on why mercury vapour, hallogen and coil bulbs are not very good for the tortoise? I am making the correct changes and following the advice but with an interest of reptile keeping when i am older it’d be really good to know the context behind this. Also i forgot to...
  13. Grxciea

    Tortoise left outside overnight and health questions.

    Thank you so much for all the help, you’ve shown me great kindness today. I believe i’m all set now. I’ve created a monthly plan for a better lifestyle for her. I’ll make sure to give updates on the progress. Let me know if theres anything else you believe i should change or do to make her life...
  14. Grxciea

    Tortoise left outside overnight and health questions.

    I don’t often use my tv anymore its mainly used to video games. I’m happy with DIY, the current table was actually hand crafted by myself. I’ll look into the greenhouse top as a temporary fixture until i sort out the vivarium. Money wise i’m unsure on what to fix first. The changes are the...
  15. Grxciea

    Tortoise left outside overnight and health questions.

    I thought so, im going to make something i can clamp a basking bulb onto aswell as a UV strip. Would that work? I am currently looking through the recommendations i’ve been sent here and finding those things online.
  16. Grxciea

    Tortoise left outside overnight and health questions.

    My bulbs direct heat is 96 But the actual hot area of the enclosure is 82 The rest of the area is 75 The cool area/hide is 64 I borrowed a temp gun from my neighbour who is also a tortoise owner. My father, who bought the lamp, says it was a basking and UV bulb however he does not remember...
  17. Grxciea

    Tortoise left outside overnight and health questions.

    Here are the promised photos, sorry for the time inconvenience. I’ve measured her too. Length wise she is around 12cm and width is around 8 or 9cm. It was hard to get an accurate measure due to her moving a lot. This is a photo of her enclosure, i’ve just arrived at home and am aware its a bit...
  18. Grxciea

    Tortoise left outside overnight and health questions.

    i’ll definitely have to take a proper look at the link tonight and write down some notes. I don’t let her free roam inside of the house especially because she has a habit of eating anything unedible ahah. Again thank you so much for all the advice you’ve given. I’m not too sure what bulb it is...
  19. Grxciea

    Tortoise left outside overnight and health questions.

    I thought i’d elaborate on routines etc too for feedback until i can take photos later. Previous routine was absolutely terrible and i will own up to my previous neglect. I suffered with quite depressive episodes where i woudlnt get out of bed for weeks and during that time my tortoises were...
  20. Grxciea

    Tortoise left outside overnight and health questions.

    Here are some photos screenshotted off of a previous tiktok i made aswell as some photos of her. They’re not the most helpful photos so once i am actually home i’ll take better ones and do the measurements. Thank you for your patience