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  1. Reptile Wise


    I tried submitting an introduction in my bio section but I keep getting an error message. I'll try again later. As far as being taken serious, I'm sharing what I know and what I have learned. Others can do whatever they wish with my input. :) Thanks.
  2. Reptile Wise

    Red Foot with multiple clutches of infertile eggs - Help

    Hey Robski, I see you haven't gotten a response to this yet, and I can sense the concern in your words...don't worry, you're not alone. Your Red Footed Tortoise, Darwin, is indeed a champ for laying those clutch of eggs, and you, my friend, should be proud of her. But let's get the facts...
  3. Reptile Wise


    Hello Carol S. The perfect temperature for a brooder box? It's a balmy 85-90 degrees Fahrenheit. Anything less, you're playing a dangerous game with your little shelled buddy. Anything more, and you're turning him into a slow-crawling sauna enthusiast. So, 85-90 degrees - it's not just a...
  4. Reptile Wise

    Lost 2 Hatchlings before they fully exited the egg -help?

    Hi Macaulay, you're doing a commendable job trying to save these little ones, but it sounds like you're facing a few hitches. It's a tough game, but don't lose hope. First off, the issue with the yolk sac absorption. This typically happens when the hatchlings are still in the egg. If they're...