Search results

  1. VickiC

    Indoor "race track"

    This is one of my Amazon deals. I place them in after soaking and let them wander for about an hour. My house is warm and they get a lot of exercise. Yes we have a big outdoor enclosure.
  2. VickiC

    Help! Is this shell rot??

    This is my rescue tortoise Gamera. We finally got his enclosure, temp and humidity correct. I check his shell everyday when drying him off after soak. I never put him back in his enclosure wet. Yesterday noticed patches on him. Is this the beginning of shell rot? Should I use diluted betadine...
  3. VickiC

    Breakfast time

    Zilla, Zookie and Gamera enjoying their colorful breakfast 🥰
  4. VickiC

    Am i feeding too much?

    I have 3 red foot tortoise hatchlings and have been following the recommended diet. Today I fed them romaine, a few mazuri pellets, red bell peppers, a small amount of fresh pumpkin, one black berry and 2 raspberries. They ate like little piggies but not as many green leafy veggies today as I...
  5. VickiC

    Hi everyone

    My name is Vicki. I am new to owning tortoises. I recently got 3 red foot tortoise hatchlings. Zilla, Zookie and Gamera. I have done a ton of research probably too much because now I am reading conflicting information. I am hoping this forum will help provide the guidance and information I need.