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  1. K

    Fire risks - doubting my decision to become a tortoise parent!

    I think my face said it all when he said that. Really put me off going back. I've just been to view some Horsefields and an 11 year old Hermann's. Beautiful little creatures :)
  2. K

    Fire risks - doubting my decision to become a tortoise parent!

    Thank you so much for this! Had a good read last night. Seems as though the 'specialist' was encouraging me to buy all the wrong equipment e.g. starter setup with Repti Rock bowls, clamp lamp....... They also didn't have any substrate in stock, so the guy recommended I buy some cat litter...
  3. K

    Fire risks - doubting my decision to become a tortoise parent!

    Hi everyone! New here and looking for some advice. I've started reading, watching videos etc about tortoise ownership. I visited a tortoise specialist today who gave me an overview of how to care for them etc, and although I was very keen to take one home there and then, I held off to do a...