Fire risks - doubting my decision to become a tortoise parent!


New Member
Oct 21, 2023
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Hi everyone!

New here and looking for some advice.

I've started reading, watching videos etc about tortoise ownership.

I visited a tortoise specialist today who gave me an overview of how to care for them etc, and although I was very keen to take one home there and then, I held off to do a little more research first.

The one thing that continues to put me off owning one, is the risk of fires with the lamp.

Are these fires common? I've seen a few reports here and there but it terrifies me, especially as I am an over thinker at the best of times.

The house is insured and can always be sorted somehow, but I'd never forgive myself if my little tortoise and our very much loved dog were killed in a fire.

What do other owners do to reduce risk?

I've read people tend to avoid clamp lamps.

Thanks in advance :)


Tortoise Club
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They're not common. Not if you take precautions.
Never trust those "clamp on" lamps. Secure them with wire or something.
Use a correct type and wattage of dome assembly when using heat lamps or CHE.
Keep hot fixtures away from things that can melt.
Keep cats away from the equipment. Because they'll knock it over.
No dry substance like hay beneath a hot lamp.
Use thermostats.
Stuff like that.
I've never had an ALMOST issue that I can recall. But I may be unusually paranoid. It has served me well.


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I use leftovers safe wire that my neighbor (an electrician) gives me to tie them secure. I will never leave the house with a CHE on, it makes me paranoid. And I don't have cats😁


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
Hi everyone!

New here and looking for some advice.

I've started reading, watching videos etc about tortoise ownership.

I visited a tortoise specialist today who gave me an overview of how to care for them etc, and although I was very keen to take one home there and then, I held off to do a little more research first.

The one thing that continues to put me off owning one, is the risk of fires with the lamp.

Are these fires common? I've seen a few reports here and there but it terrifies me, especially as I am an over thinker at the best of times.

The house is insured and can always be sorted somehow, but I'd never forgive myself if my little tortoise and our very much loved dog were killed in a fire.

What do other owners do to reduce risk?

I've read people tend to avoid clamp lamps.

Thanks in advance :)
I consider fire, maybe most people do. Because of two pesky cats I lay 1/2" x 1" rabbit wire directly on top of the Russians' housings. It's fireproof and there's no worry of anything falling. I only use porcelain sockets. It's also best to spend good money on every extension cord.


Tortoise Club
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jul 16, 2014
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South Eastern Florida (U.S.A.)/Rock Hill S.C.
Also, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE ask questions here once you are ready and BEFORE you begin buying your equipment.
We can help make sure that you obtain the safest and most effective items. Specific to the species that you choose.
So much of the stuff for sale for tortoises is just plain garbage. And some of it is also downright dangerous.
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Tortoise Club
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jul 16, 2014
Location (City and/or State)
South Eastern Florida (U.S.A.)/Rock Hill S.C.
I use leftovers safe wire that my neighbor (an electrician) gives me to tie them secure. I will never leave the house with a CHE on, it makes me paranoid. And I don't have cats😁
You can ask for "Mechanics wire" at any hardware store. It's like very thin, flexible coat hanger wire.
Unfortunately you're probably going to be handed a 25 or 50 foot roll.
You can also use high heat, metal zip ties available at auto parts stores. Or design your own framework and hang them on swag chains.
It can be attractive and fancy. If you like that.
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Before you even get a tortoise, please read the care info on this forum and forget what the "expert" told you unless they raise their tortoises the way that is recommended and followed on this forum.
I have never had a fire, and have not read about too many of them.
Most likely any fire was due to the things Zeropilot mentioned about not doing.
So much bad info out there and some of that bad info could cause a fire. Like using hay as a substrate, letting cats or dogs get near the enclosure, using wrong fixtures or the clamps that come with them.
Following the right care will teach you all the things not to do.


Tortoise Club
5 Year Member
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jul 16, 2014
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South Eastern Florida (U.S.A.)/Rock Hill S.C.
This is most helpful.
Written by a very valuable member of this forum



The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
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Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
Hi everyone!

New here and looking for some advice.

I've started reading, watching videos etc about tortoise ownership.

I visited a tortoise specialist today who gave me an overview of how to care for them etc, and although I was very keen to take one home there and then, I held off to do a little more research first.

The one thing that continues to put me off owning one, is the risk of fires with the lamp.

Are these fires common? I've seen a few reports here and there but it terrifies me, especially as I am an over thinker at the best of times.

The house is insured and can always be sorted somehow, but I'd never forgive myself if my little tortoise and our very much loved dog were killed in a fire.

What do other owners do to reduce risk?

I've read people tend to avoid clamp lamps.

Thanks in advance :)
Hello and welcome. Just don't use the clamps. Remove them. Hang the fixtures securely from over head so that they cannot fall or be misplaced.


New Member
Oct 21, 2023
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This is most helpful.
Written by a very valuable member of this forum

Thank you so much for this!

Had a good read last night.

Seems as though the 'specialist' was encouraging me to buy all the wrong equipment e.g. starter setup with Repti Rock bowls, clamp lamp.......

They also didn't have any substrate in stock, so the guy recommended I buy some cat litter on the way home, which didn't sit too comfortably with me. Any opinions on this? I wouldn't be buying any, but just wondering how ridiculous this recommendation was.

I felt the guy was quite pushy actually, another reason why I didn't go ahead. As soon as I arrived, I felt as though he had packed the starter kit up ready to go and I just needed to choose a tortoise.

When I explained that I wanted to go and discuss with my partner, I asked if I could drop the owner of the store a text to confirm if/when I wanted to collect the tortoise. His response was "You can but I can't promise that his tone will be as friendly as he will be disappointed the sale didn't happen today. It's been a slow 2 weeks". I honestly didn't know what to say at this point.

I was quite surprised that the guy didn't even ask about where the tortoise would be living, conditions of room e.g. usual temp, sunlight etc.

Would you be able to recommend any suitable kit to get started?

Keen to continue to do my research before choosing the right tortoise.

Yesterday, I viewed a few 2022 Hermann's. I'd be quite keen to get a Hermann's Dwarf if possible, but I understand they're much more rare.

We have room for expansion as/when needed.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to be reading and now feeling that enclosures are better than tables for countries that have colder climates? I was concerned about ventilation with an enclosure.

I live in Wales, UK, so always an unpredictable temperature most months of the year. It can sometimes be chilly/damp during the summer and fairly mild and dry in October, like it is now!

I'm sure I'll have many more questions as I go along but I will also ensure I use the search bar too to save you some time!!

Thanks again!



Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2023
Location (City and/or State)
I use leftovers safe wire that my neighbor (an electrician) gives me to tie them secure. I will never leave the house with a CHE on, it makes me paranoid. And I don't have cats😁

Thank you so much for this!

Had a good read last night.

Seems as though the 'specialist' was encouraging me to buy all the wrong equipment e.g. starter setup with Repti Rock bowls, clamp lamp.......

They also didn't have any substrate in stock, so the guy recommended I buy some cat litter on the way home, which didn't sit too comfortably with me. Any opinions on this? I wouldn't be buying any, but just wondering how ridiculous this recommendation was.

I felt the guy was quite pushy actually, another reason why I didn't go ahead. As soon as I arrived, I felt as though he had packed the starter kit up ready to go and I just needed to choose a tortoise.

When I explained that I wanted to go and discuss with my partner, I asked if I could drop the owner of the store a text to confirm if/when I wanted to collect the tortoise. His response was "You can but I can't promise that his tone will be as friendly as he will be disappointed the sale didn't happen today. It's been a slow 2 weeks". I honestly didn't know what to say at this point.

I was quite surprised that the guy didn't even ask about where the tortoise would be living, conditions of room e.g. usual temp, sunlight etc.

Would you be able to recommend any suitable kit to get started?

Keen to continue to do my research before choosing the right tortoise.

Yesterday, I viewed a few 2022 Hermann's. I'd be quite keen to get a Hermann's Dwarf if possible, but I understand they're much more rare.

We have room for expansion as/when needed.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to be reading and now feeling that enclosures are better than tables for countries that have colder climates? I was concerned about ventilation with an enclosure.

I live in Wales, UK, so always an unpredictable temperature most months of the year. It can sometimes be chilly/damp during the summer and fairly mild and dry in October, like it is now!

I'm sure I'll have many more questions as I go along but I will also ensure I use the search bar too to save you some time!!

Thanks again!

I can't believe he spoke to you like that. And CAT LITTER! It would turn into a slick gloop!


The Dog Trainer
10 Year Member!
Platinum Tortoise Club
Jan 9, 2010
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Southern California
Thank you so much for this!

Had a good read last night.

Seems as though the 'specialist' was encouraging me to buy all the wrong equipment e.g. starter setup with Repti Rock bowls, clamp lamp.......

They also didn't have any substrate in stock, so the guy recommended I buy some cat litter on the way home, which didn't sit too comfortably with me. Any opinions on this? I wouldn't be buying any, but just wondering how ridiculous this recommendation was.

I felt the guy was quite pushy actually, another reason why I didn't go ahead. As soon as I arrived, I felt as though he had packed the starter kit up ready to go and I just needed to choose a tortoise.

When I explained that I wanted to go and discuss with my partner, I asked if I could drop the owner of the store a text to confirm if/when I wanted to collect the tortoise. His response was "You can but I can't promise that his tone will be as friendly as he will be disappointed the sale didn't happen today. It's been a slow 2 weeks". I honestly didn't know what to say at this point.

I was quite surprised that the guy didn't even ask about where the tortoise would be living, conditions of room e.g. usual temp, sunlight etc.

Would you be able to recommend any suitable kit to get started?

Keen to continue to do my research before choosing the right tortoise.

Yesterday, I viewed a few 2022 Hermann's. I'd be quite keen to get a Hermann's Dwarf if possible, but I understand they're much more rare.

We have room for expansion as/when needed.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to be reading and now feeling that enclosures are better than tables for countries that have colder climates? I was concerned about ventilation with an enclosure.

I live in Wales, UK, so always an unpredictable temperature most months of the year. It can sometimes be chilly/damp during the summer and fairly mild and dry in October, like it is now!

I'm sure I'll have many more questions as I go along but I will also ensure I use the search bar too to save you some time!!

Thanks again!

Lucky for you that you discovered the "wrong" info BEFORE it was all too late.

The "dwarf hermanni" you mentioned are Western hermanni, and they are nice tortoises with beautiful coloration that do stay a little smaller than their eastern counterparts.

It is much easier to maintain the correct conditions in a closed chamber than anything with an open top. If the room conditions are what is needed, then an open topped enclosure can work fine. Most rooms are too cold and too dry for tortoises. Heating an open topped enclosure in a cold room is like trying to heat your house in winter with no roof. It simply cannot work. Ventilation is not an issue. All of them have vents and are not made air tight.

No cat litter please, but you already knew that.

All of the kit you need is explained in the threads. Look for the temperate species care sheet at the bottom of the thread that ZEROPILOT left for you.

Questions and conversation are welcome! :)


New Member
Oct 21, 2023
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I can't believe he spoke to you like that. And CAT LITTER! It would turn into a slick gloop!

I think my face said it all when he said that.

Really put me off going back.

I've just been to view some Horsefields and an 11 year old Hermann's. Beautiful little creatures :)


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If you can find a breeder that starts them right, that would be the best place to buy a tortoise. Pet stores sell mostly crap and know nothing about their crap or how to care for animals. They are just in for the money as you found out with such bad info and the crying about his slow its been.

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