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  1. N

    Low humidity but wet substrate

    my humidity tends to drop in the night to around 75% due to my CHE (which is 100w but that’s the only wattage that’ll keep my baby Sulcatas temps right.) The substrate is pretty damp though but my thermometer says only 75% humidity. My baby Sulcata also likes to burrow in the damp substrate. So...
  2. N

    Small bump on beak?

    I tried to pick it off with tweezers but it won’t come off. it’s hard and looks to be apart of his beak.
  3. N

    Small bump on beak?

    My one month old Sulcata has had this small pimple looking bump on his beak ever since I got him. I’m not sure what it is or if it’s normal and if it goes away on its own. What should I do?
  4. N

    Peeing or pooping yellow

    He’s a one month old African Sulcata. He’s 60 grams and about 2 inches. He’s kept in an 40in by 30 in indoor enclosure with 85F+ temps (basking spot of 95 - 100F) and 80%+ humidity at all times. I use coco fiber and repti bark for substrate. I soak once a day 20-30 minutes. I let him out for an...
  5. N

    Peeing or pooping yellow

    I was soaking my tortoise and noticed he peed or pooped out these small little yellow flakes. He’s done it before. I’m not sure what they are and if they’re normal, does anyone know?
  6. N

    Baby Sulcata growth and weight gain - too much?

    Thank you so much for clearing it up! I had saw some people saying that you could overfeed them and that fast growth would be a problem, but I also saw others saying the opposite, that you can’t overfeed them and there’s no specific growth rate that’s too fast. So I wasn’t sure which was true.
  7. N

    Baby Sulcata growth and weight gain - too much?

    I have a one month old African Sulcata and I’m concerned it’s growing too fast. I got him about a week ago and he was about 2 inches and 44 grams. A week later he was already 60 grams but still around 2 inches. Is this growth rate too fast? If it is, what can I do to slow it down? He’s...
  8. N

    Are these safe for my tortoise??

    I bought these at Home Depot and was wondering if any of these are safe to put into my Sulcata’s terrarium? Idk if my tortoise would eat them, but in case they do would it be harmless?