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  1. B

    California Desert Tortoise Eating Habits

    Brad, here is Tom's brumation thread. Must read. As they say here just because it's been done that way doesn't mean you should be doing it that way. You have a great attitude, I feel the same way, whatever is best for the tort. I'm still fighting with Tom about a heated enclosure for my Texas...
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    Eazy - the Texas Tortoise intro

    Checking in. Eazy is doing great. I'm doing much better thanks to the support here. Is there a way to donate to support the site? Venmo @Yvonne G ? BTW - this brumation thread is the bomb. Thanks @Tom
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    Eazy - the Texas Tortoise intro

    Here's a look at Eazy's pyramids. He definitely looks like a dinosaur.
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    Eazy - the Texas Tortoise intro

    He is 24 I didn't go into great detail about his early years other than mentioning he was raised as a turtle. He was kept in an aquarium in water. The soft white shell. It was a mess I guess. Little sucker has come through it and I'm just trying not to screw it up
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    Eazy - the Texas Tortoise intro

    His rock eating episode was long ago when he wasn't cared for properly. But I have no interest in exposing him to that again. I purchased calcium without B3. And Vionate. That's what the previous owner used. I dust his feeding with it every other day. When he comes out this afternoon I get a...
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    Eazy - the Texas Tortoise intro

    Yes, I can do that. Bonus, there are tons of prickly pear cactus in my neighborhood. Grab a pad, fruit or flower here and there. Need a better system for collection that involves less blood. Additionally, lots of rose bushes and Eazy likes rose petals.
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    Eazy - the Texas Tortoise intro

    Agree, about June Gloom. Good news, it's heating up this weekend. I'll look at the Kane heat mat you recommend. Are those flexible? Do they bend at all? Anybody want 1500 lbs of beautiful Mountain Blue 1-1 1/2" rock for landscaping? Ugh
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    Eazy - the Texas Tortoise intro

    Thanks everyone, really appreciate the help. 1. Told by the previous owner, a veterinary surgical nurse he was a Texas. 2. Eazy is smaller than desert tortoise 3. Head shape matches Texas 4. Carapas matches Texas 5. Need to check the underside identifer today 6. He says "y'all" a lot...
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    Eazy - the Texas Tortoise intro

    He doesn't go to the bathroom in the dog house. There's a newspaper sheet folded up on the bottom and that's changed once a month unless it gets dirty or wet for some reason. He's never been fed in the dog house. He comes out to eat.
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    Eazy - the Texas Tortoise intro

    Before you ask about the paper... That's his deal. He blocks the door each night with it. In the morning he'll poke his head out then make his way out. Here he is peaking out. He makes me laugh. Quite the character.
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    Eazy - the Texas Tortoise intro

    Eazy is a small tortoise, Texas tortoise are the smallest of the US tortoises. He's "maybe" ten inches long. The dog house is twice his length and width. I could get 4 in there! Here are some pix
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    Eazy - the Texas Tortoise intro

    Thanks, I read that thread not knowing that I actually needed to build one. As a reference, Eazy lived in Irvine, CA about 10 miles from me. Identical weather. He's never had a heated box, I asked when I picked him up last Sunday after reading stuff here. Just his dog house and so I took that...
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    Eazy - the Texas Tortoise intro

    I have a IR gun, used it when I gave him a warm soak. Here's a list of his recent brumation dates. Dude can sleep!
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    Eazy - the Texas Tortoise intro

    It's Bermuda grass with some weeds. 🤠
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    Eazy - the Texas Tortoise intro

    Yep, found that site and use it religiously
  16. B

    Eazy - the Texas Tortoise intro

    Thanks, I just put the rock in. LOL I needed something big enough he wouldn't eat. I'll attach a picture of his X-ray when he was younger filled with pebbles. So I have half grass and the other have larger stones with some slate prices. Are the rocks back for him? He doesn't seem to mind...
  17. B

    Eazy - the Texas Tortoise intro

    He's not eating as much as I'd like but I understand that moving from a home he lived in for 17 years to a brand new environment can be a little stressful. We're both a little stressed! Hopefully, when we get out of June gloom and we get a good streak of warm weather he'll feel better.
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    Eazy - the Texas Tortoise intro

  19. B

    Eazy - the Texas Tortoise intro

    Hey, first post. I now I have a 24-year-old Texas tortoise and his name is Eazy. He had a tough upbringing because he was raised as a turtle and was a complete mess. He has very large pyramids because of the situation. And he decided that he really liked pebbles and filled himself up. A...