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  1. S

    Tortoise has green on its mouth?!?

    I had the same problem, turns out he really just likes to eat Tuscan kale and turnip greens 😂
  2. S

    what would this white thing be?

    sorry I didn’t make it clear enough bro I got lazy
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    what would this white thing be?

    My tortoises are healthy in general, but I just recently noticed this little white thing on their face: (The thing beside his mouth, looks like if he had cloth forced into the side of his mouth) He has a little bit of loose skin on the other side of his face. When I pulled it down gently, it...
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    My Baby’s Gender

    should I get filtered water to bathe them instead? apparently my city’s water isn’t very good, lots of chlorine and metals
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    My Baby’s Gender

    At night is when I wet the substrate so it goes up to around 70-80. I do this because I researched how they are in the wild and apparently they hideout in moist burrows
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    My Baby’s Gender

    Moist substrate and the humidity is 50-60%
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    My Baby’s Gender

    what would the white coloring idicate? i thought it was because i ad freshly bathed them, but hes all dry adn its still there. hes been changing color a bit, from more yellow to brownish.
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    My Baby’s Gender

    I just realized you guys can’t see ANY of the photos so I’ll re-add them here: Baby Number 1: Baby Number 2:
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    My Baby’s Gender

    So I have 2 baby desert tortoises, either Mojave or Sonoran, maybe some other desert species, I don’t know. Story behind this is I went to Mexico to visit my uncle who has adult tortoises. They laid eggs at one of his houses, around 50 miles away, went to the house we were visiting him at and...
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    How far should my heat + uvb bulb be from my tortoise?

    (happy birthday) I have a Desert tortoise and they are around 6 months old. Here’s a picture of my current setup (water bowl is the blue plate and the green plate is the food bowl)
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    How far should my heat + uvb bulb be from my tortoise?

    I currently have a 25 watt heat + uvb bulb 7 inches away from my tortoise. I’ve been looking into it but don’t know how far away the light should be as I don’t want my turtle getting cooked, but I also want to make sure it’s close enough to actually be a basking area, because the temperature...
  12. S

    what tortoise is my tortoise?

    I’ve been trying to find out what my tortoises need to stay healthy, such as what food they eat, what the ideal temperature for them is, etc. The problem is, I’ve been asking google and it’s been giving me varied answers. Here is a picture of them: Don’t mind the little box they’re in, I’ve...