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  1. brandi2546

    The End Of Pyramiding

    I wouldn't mind having an aldabra either. I like them a lot, but they are even harder to find. I certainly would never pay $1500 for one. They seem to be very sweet too. Do aldabras and sulcatas even get along together? I know you shouldn't have 2 males of the same type together, but I have no...
  2. brandi2546

    The End Of Pyramiding

    Some of my lights have metal hooks I can hang them from too. I have always been worried about the clamps. What do you hang the cords from? Also, what do you put on the shells that make them do shiny when you take pictures? I warms up to the 50s during the days mostly and I think they even...
  3. brandi2546

    The End Of Pyramiding

    Thanks for the advice. I just clamp my light fixtures to his house. What do you hang yours from? What do you sell the babies for? Also, shipping will probably be high since I am in Georgia. I really am wanting a big one that I can pick up locally...preferably one that someone no longer...
  4. brandi2546

    The End Of Pyramiding

    Ok, Tom...I just went through the entire post. I didn't realize it was SOOOO old. Your babies aren't babies anymore. I also understand now about the mixed information. Some of the info is very old and outdated. I will be keeping him much wetter now. Do you sell babies often? Mine came from CA.
  5. brandi2546

    The End Of Pyramiding

    That makes sense about the heat needing to be higher. You think I should get a higher wattage bulb then? The 50W only get up to 86 degrees, so maybe I should get an 80 or 100W. Thanks for clearing that up about him growing too fast. I have seen pictures where their shell is deformed and it said...
  6. brandi2546

    The End Of Pyramiding

    Thanks. Yes it is the coil type. He sits under the heat lamp a good bit if it is not hotter than 90. I have read that if the temp gets up to 104, they start salivating on their arms and wiping themselves to cool down. In Georgia them temps are in the 90's all summer and the guy I bought him from...
  7. brandi2546

    The End Of Pyramiding

    It is a Repti Glo 26watt 10.0. After I put the new bulb in, it was 100, and he stayed in his house all the time. I assumed he must have thought it was too hot. I moved it higher (12 inches from the floor) and he goes under it now. We keep the house set at 68 in the winter. He has slept a lot...
  8. brandi2546

    The End Of Pyramiding

    His basking spot was 85, but that bulb just died...after only 3 months, so I am trying to adjust the height of the new one to the same. We keep our house set at 78 degrees, so that is what the cooler area is. He has a house to go in on the opposite end of the cage. His substrate is 80% top...
  9. brandi2546

    The End Of Pyramiding

    Hey...Although I have had tons of different animals in my life, I am new to this tortoise thing. I just want whatever advice, comments, etc anyone can give me. I am just concerned that my tortoise is starting to look different. I am not sure if he is starting to pyramid or what. He has a UVB...