The End Of Pyramiding

Yvonne G

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manuetaaz said:
Great thread, thank you for sharing! I have 2 young hermanns and trying to do the same, although probably not as wet. Mistings several times a day, humidity around 60% and basking light on top of their water and humid hide. They are now around 5 months+ so we'll see how it goes. My older hermann is pyramided even though he was fed weeds only with the usual calcium-vitamins supplements (They all came to me relatively smooth at 3 months old).
We'll see how it goes...

Hi manuetaaz:

Won't you take a few moments to start a new thread in the "introductions" section and tell us a bit about yourself?


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What happened to Tulee?

Tom said:
UPDATE: Here are some pics I took today. Last time I weighed them Trey was around 1100 grams and Tuck was around 1400. They continue to do well and they are outside for at least a little while almost every day. In the next few weeks they will move outside permanently.







The Dog Trainer
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I gave Tulee to another member who had lost her hatchling due to the typical "kept too dry" syndrome. The lady did a few posts showing how happy she was, and then promptly disappeared from the forum. Attempts to contact her have failed. Once she answered her phone and told me I had a wrong number before hanging up on me. I suspect her dog killed it or something bad happened and she just didn't want to face the group with it.


5 Year Member
Jul 14, 2010
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I am sure it was mentioned somewhere in the 37 pages of this thread but can pyramiding be stopped once it has begun?


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t9dragon said:
I am sure it was mentioned somewhere in the 37 pages of this thread but can pyramiding be stopped once it has begun?

Yes, it can be stopped, or halted, once the tortoise is receiving optimal care (high humidity and proper temps, lots of natural sunshine, etc.). It cannot be reversed, but once the new growth comes in, as the years go by, the old "pyramided" growth will become less and less noticeable.


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I found this tortoise here locally and the owner said it was 2yrs old and 7 inches long but it has bad pyramiding..


Here is it's pen...



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t9dragon said:
I found this tortoise here locally and the owner said it was 2yrs old and 7 inches long but it has bad pyramiding..

Nearly everything about that habitat is incorrect: dry open air, low humidity, dry, loose substrate, a water bowl that is difficult to get into, not sure what the rectangular box or the red cup for. Not sure what the temps are either, but everything else I mentioned needs to be changed if you want halt that pyramiding. [I'm assuming of course, based on your last post, that you have now acquired this tortoise, correct?]

Read this entire thread, and you'll understand.

Also, check most of the links in this thread: Helpful Threads

Beginner Mistakes

Here's how my sulcata is housed outdoors. If this is feasible, you may want to consider this option. Yours is large enough, and if your climate is right, natural sunshine will do wonders.

And finally, check out the thread in my signature. Its how I set-up my redfoots, but its very similar to how one can set-up a juvenile sulcata.


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Nope, I don't own the tortoise.. I was thinking about it but the wife would kill me if I brought another reptile home.. I am picking up 3 female and 1 male Russian torts this weekend along with 2 baby Halmahera skinks..


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Hey...Although I have had tons of different animals in my life, I am new to this tortoise thing. I just want whatever advice, comments, etc anyone can give me. I am just concerned that my tortoise is starting to look different. I am not sure if he is starting to pyramid or what. He has a UVB bulb and heat bulb on 12 hours a day and goes outside almost everyday and get sun at least 20 minutes too. I dust his food with calcium at least 3 times a week. I will attach pictures of when I got him (June 15th, 2012) and now. Please ask all the questions you want and tell me what you think. Anything you can tell me will be appreciated:)


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The Dog Trainer
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He looks okay to me. What are your four temps and what is your hydration routine?


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Tom said:
He looks okay to me. What are your four temps and what is your hydration routine?

His basking spot was 85, but that bulb just died...after only 3 months, so I am trying to adjust the height of the new one to the same. We keep our house set at 78 degrees, so that is what the cooler area is. He has a house to go in on the opposite end of the cage. His substrate is 80% top soil/20% sand. He also has stones in their for a different texture (I have heard it keeps them from being so bored). I soak him 4 times a week and mist him at least once a day and mist the substrate near the basking spot to increase humidity. He also has a Rubbermaid top with water he can get in all the time. I was concerned because they guy I bought him from said I didn't need a UVB bulb, based on the research he has done. I do have one for him, so that can't be an issue. So then I wondered if I was over feeding because I read that you should not feed them every single day because they are not active enough & I always feed him every day. Thanks so much, Tom. Every website says something different and I really respect your opinions.


The Dog Trainer
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Here are my preferences:
Basking spot should be closer to 100.
If your house stays 78 in the winter too, you will be fine. If not, add a CHE and a thermostat to maintain night temps.
I would not use any sand in the substrate. Plain topsoil should be fine.
They don't need UV bulbs if they are getting sunshine every day. What sort of UV bulb are you using?


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Tom said:
Here are my preferences:
Basking spot should be closer to 100.
If your house stays 78 in the winter too, you will be fine. If not, add a CHE and a thermostat to maintain night temps.
I would not use any sand in the substrate. Plain topsoil should be fine.
They don't need UV bulbs if they are getting sunshine every day. What sort of UV bulb are you using?

It is a Repti Glo 26watt 10.0. After I put the new bulb in, it was 100, and he stayed in his house all the time. I assumed he must have thought it was too hot. I moved it higher (12 inches from the floor) and he goes under it now. We keep the house set at 68 in the winter. He has slept a lot since I got him. maybe because he is a baby??? I was worried about that because the bigger ones don't seem to sleep much. I got him June 15th and I am not sure how old he is. He weighs 58 grams now. The end of June, he weighed 38 20 grams he gained in 2 months. Is that good? I just read so many different things.


The Dog Trainer
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Is your repti-glo one of the coil type CFL bulbs? Those can damage tortoise eyes. He's not hiding from the heat. He's hiding because that bulb hurts his eyes. I'd shut it off right away.

What are you using for heat? My suggestion is to use a Mercury Vapor bulb or a regular incandescent flood bulb, if your tortoise gets regular sun, on a timer for 12 hours a day. Then use a Ceramic Heating Element on a thermostat to maintain the ambient temp around 80 all the time. 68 will be too cold.

I never answered you before about the feeding. In the wild they hatch during the rainy season. Its hot, humid, wet, and there is green stuff everywhere to eat all day long. I think they should be able to graze all day in our enclosures too. Outdoor sunshine and grazing on weeds and grass is best, but if you can't do that then I'd feed him a pile in the morning and another pile in the afternoon if he ate up all the morning stuff.

His growth is just a little on the slow side. Offering more food, or offering some Mazuri might pick things up a bit.