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  1. Yoda

    Question about the heat wave...

    Thank you everyone. I didnt know that the "UV rays are greatly deminished if passing through screen". It seems like when I finally get one issue resolved, I somehow create a new one. LOL Oh well, thank you for all of your input. Great information! :)
  2. Yoda

    Question about the heat wave...

    Hello everyone. I just wanted to see if anyone had any ideas on how to regulate the temp with the heat being as bad as it is... I have changed Yoda's home to a mesh sided enclosure so that he is not cooking inside of an aquarium. But I still have a problem keeping his temp between 85 and 90. As...
  3. Yoda

    Identify This Tortoise Please

    Are we positive thats what it is?
  4. Yoda

    Identify This Tortoise Please

    OK, so we just found another tortoise last night. LOL. I have no idea what kind it is, or the care that it needs. Can anyone help? I will post a couple of pictures.
  5. Yoda


    Just wanted to let you all know that I went a couple of days ago I went in and bought a single Powersun 100watt light that provides all things necessary for Yoda. He is so much happier, and I havent seen any nose bubbles for 2 days. I wanted to thank everyone for their words of wisdom and...
  6. Yoda

    Funny thing happened

    Awwwwww! I cant wait until I can see the personality of my new "Yoda"!
  7. Yoda

    Newbie w/ questions

    So the manager at the pet store said that he appears happy and healthy. I think my UVB light is wrong....gonna replace that next.
  8. Yoda

    Newbie w/ questions

    The pet store that I got him at has asked me to bring him back in so they can check him out. They said that he more than likely has a respitory infection. I'm on my way now. I will keep you guys updated. *Crossing Fingers*
  9. Yoda

    Newbie w/ questions

    thank you for the input. I think our next step will be to build a table thing for him. But for now, all we have is the tank. Hopefully he wont mind being in there temporarily. Thank you again for everyone that has been giving such great advice! :)
  10. Yoda

    Newbie w/ questions

    OK, here is a picture of his enclosure. The bedding is natural cypress mulch.
  11. Yoda

    Newbie w/ questions

    ok, now i am getting worried...he is making a weird almost squeaky noise...something tells me i paid a lot of $ for an unhealthy tortoise... please help
  12. Yoda

    Newbie w/ questions

    Update: I just took him out in the sun, and he loved it! He was running around in the back yard checking everything out. This would lead me to believe that the UVB bulb is not right for him. Maybe he is getting "depressed" because of lack of "sun light"? I am currently using a 20watt desert 50...
  13. Yoda

    Newbie w/ questions

    He is in a 30 gallon tank. Its about 95 degrees in the basking area, and the humity looks to be at about 60%. I have the heat lamp and the UVB light on the right side of the tank, and nothing on the side with the half log hide out. I have been keeping his water fresh and shallow. I have been...
  14. Yoda

    Newbie w/ questions

    Hi everyone. I just bought a leo thats about 2 inches. He seems very lethargic since I brought him home. Infact the only time he really gets active is at about 5 or 6 pm, and that seems to be just long enough for him to eat and fall back asleep, sometimes he falls asleep in his food dish. Is it...